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Why is the trust score of very low?

The content provided is highly indicative of a scam. Here are the reasons:

1. Unrealistic and Fixed Daily Profits: The claim of fixed and high daily profits, especially in the oil industry, is highly unrealistic. The oil market is volatile, and no legitimate investment can guarantee fixed profits, especially at such high rates.

2. Pyramid Scheme-Like Referral System: The emphasis on inviting users and earning commissions from their investments resembles a pyramid scheme, which is illegal in many countries and a classic red flag for scams.

3. High Investment Tiers and Rewards: The high investment tiers and corresponding high rewards are typical of Ponzi schemes, where early investors are paid with the money from new investors, creating an unsustainable system.

4. Vague Platform and Team Rewards: The platform's description of team rewards based on total team deposits is vague and lacks transparency, a common tactic in scams to create an illusion of legitimacy.

5. Overwhelming and Irrelevant Data: The extensive list of user transactions and rewards is likely meant to overwhelm and distract from the lack of substantial information about the actual investment and its legitimacy.

6. Lack of Verifiable Information: The website does not provide verifiable information about the company, its operations, or its regulatory status, which is a major red flag for any investment platform.

7. Domain Age and Archive Age Discrepancy: The discrepancy between the claimed domain age of 1 day and the actual archive age of 6389 days is suspicious and could indicate dishonesty about the platform's history.

8. Server Information: The server information provided is generic and does not offer any real insight into the platform's legitimacy.

9. SSL Certificate: While the SSL certificate is from a legitimate issuer, it's important to note that having an SSL certificate does not guarantee the legitimacy of a website or its operations.

10. Regulatory Authority: The mention of a regulatory authority without specific details or verifiable registration is a common tactic in scam websites to create a false sense of security.

Based on these reasons, it's highly advisable to avoid any involvement with this platform. The characteristics align with those of known scams, and there is a high risk of financial loss or fraud."

the reasons behind this review :
Unrealistic and Fixed Daily Profits, Pyramid Scheme-Like Referral System, High Investment Tiers and Rewards, Vague Platform and Team Rewards, Overwhelming and Irrelevant Data, Lack of Verifiable Information, Domain Age and Archive Age Discrepancy, Server Information, SSL Certificate, Regulatory Authority
Positive PointsNegative Points

  Website content is accessible

  No spelling or grammatical errors in site content

  Archive Age is quite old

  Whois data is accessible

  Low review rate by AI

  Domain is new