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How much trust do people have in


Total 0 reviews

All reviews are from registered members


Why is the trust score of strongly low?

The website raises several red flags that are commonly associated with scam or fraudulent websites:

1. Lack of Professionalism: The website's content is riddled with grammatical errors, awkward phrasing, and inconsistent use of language. Legitimate businesses typically maintain a professional and polished online presence.

2. Unverifiable Claims: The website makes grandiose claims about being the most trusted travel portal and a premium organization, but there is no verifiable evidence to support these assertions. Legitimate companies usually provide specific details about their credentials and affiliations.

3. Vague Contact Information: While the website provides an address and phone number, there is no information about the company's physical location, leadership team, or history. Legitimate businesses are transparent about their background and contact details.

4. Third-Party Representation: The website explicitly states that it is a third-party travel company and does not represent any specific supplier or airline. This lack of direct affiliation with reputable travel entities can be a red flag.

5. Unsubstantiated Discounts: The website claims to offer discounted and unpublished airfares, but it does not provide clear information on how these discounts are obtained or how they compare to standard market rates. This lack of transparency is concerning.

6. Confusing Refund Policy: The website's refund policy for airline tickets is convoluted and contains numerous conditions. Legitimate travel agencies typically have clear and straightforward refund policies.

7. Inconsistent Branding: The website uses multiple variations of its name, including "" and "canadaindiatravel." This inconsistency can be a sign of unprofessionalism or an attempt to obfuscate the website's identity.

8. Lack of Online Reviews: A search for reviews or testimonials about the website does not yield significant results. Legitimate businesses often have a presence on review platforms, and the absence of such feedback can be suspicious.

9. Unsecured Email Address: The website uses a generic Gmail address for its contact information (""). Legitimate businesses typically use professional email addresses associated with their domain.

10. Limited Online Presence: The website's domain is relatively new, and it does not appear to have a significant online footprint. Established and reputable travel agencies often have a more robust digital presence.

Based on these observations, it is advisable to exercise caution when considering any transactions or interactions with It is recommended to thoroughly research the company, seek independent reviews, and consider alternative, more established travel agencies for booking flights and travel services."

the reasons behind this review :
Lack of Professionalism, Unverifiable Claims, Vague Contact Information, Third-Party Representation, Unsubstantiated Discounts, Confusing Refund Policy, Inconsistent Branding, Lack of Online Reviews, Unsecured Email Address, Limited Online Presence
Positive PointsNegative Points

  Website content is accessible

  No spelling or grammatical errors in site content

  Low review rate by AI

  Domain is new

  Whois data is hidden