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Why is the trust score of high?

The website appears to be a part of a system called "Outcome Tracker" and is likely used for tracking and managing outcomes related to a specific program or organization. The login page suggests that it is a secure system, likely requiring authorized access. The use of JavaScript for functionality is common in web applications, and the requirement to enable it is not unusual. The copyright notice at the bottom of the page indicates that it is associated with Vistashare LLC, which is a company that provides software solutions for human services organizations. The SSL certificate from Let's Encrypt is a positive sign for secure communication between your browser and the website. The use of Amazon Web Services (AWS) for hosting is also common and generally reliable. The domain age and the fact that it has been archived by the Wayback Machine are additional indicators of legitimacy and longevity. Overall, based on the available information, the website seems to be a legitimate part of a system for tracking outcomes, likely associated with Vistashare LLC. However, as with any login page, it's essential to ensure that you are accessing it through a secure and trusted source, especially if you are prompted to enter sensitive information."

the reasons behind this review :
Secure login page, Use of JavaScript for functionality, Copyright notice associated with Vistashare LLC, SSL certificate from Let's Encrypt, Hosting on Amazon Web Services (AWS), Domain age and archive by Wayback Machine
Positive PointsNegative Points

  Website content is accessible

  No spelling or grammatical errors in site content

  High review rate by AI

  Archive is new

  Whois data is hidden