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Why is the trust score of low?

The website is the official site for the game Cabal Online, published by ESTsoft. Cabal Online is a free-to-play, 3D massively multiplayer online role-playing game (MMORPG) with a fantasy theme. The game has been around for many years and has a dedicated player base. The website provides information about the game, including news, updates, and community features. It also allows players to log in and access their accounts.

The website’s content is consistent with what you would expect from an official gaming site. It includes sections for news, game information, community features, and support. The news section provides updates about the game, such as new content, events, and promotions. The community section likely includes forums or other ways for players to interact with each other.

The website’s domain,, is consistent with the branding for ESTsoft’s games. ESTsoft is a South Korean software company known for developing and publishing online games. The use of “playthisgame” in the domain suggests that it is a central hub for their various game titles.

Given the nature of the website as the official site for a well-established online game, it is likely safe for users who are interested in Cabal Online. However, as with any online gaming platform, it’s always a good idea for users to exercise caution and follow best practices for online security, such as using unique and secure passwords for their accounts.

In summary, the website appears to be the official site for the game Cabal Online, published by ESTsoft. It provides information about the game, including news, updates, and community features. Users interested in the game can likely visit the site to learn more and engage with the game’s community.”

the reasons behind this review :
Official website for the game Cabal Online, Published by ESTsoft, Provides news, updates, and community features, Likely safe for users interested in Cabal Online, Users should exercise caution and follow best practices for online security
Positive PointsNegative Points

  Website content is accessible

  High review rate by AI

  Whois data is hidden

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