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Why is the trust score of strongly low?

The website content provided seems to be from a skincare product page. However, there are several red flags that could indicate a potential scam:

1. **No Verifiable Information**: The website does not provide verifiable information about the company, such as a physical address, contact phone number, or details about the team behind the product. Legitimate businesses usually provide this information for transparency and trust.

2. **Unsubstantiated Claims**: The website makes bold claims about the effectiveness of the product, such as "removes blackheads and impurities that cause acne" and "promotes brighter skin." These claims are not backed by scientific evidence and are often used in deceptive marketing.

3. **Use of Celebrity Endorsements**: The website mentions that the product is loved by celebrities, including a former Miss Italy and a TV personality. While celebrity endorsements are common in advertising, they can be misleading and are not a guarantee of product quality.

4. **High Number of Positive Reviews**: The website mentions a high number of positive reviews (4.9 rating from 2,197 votes). In some cases, fake reviews or inflated ratings can be used to deceive customers.

5. **Unrealistic Guarantees**: The 90-day money-back guarantee, especially for a skincare product, is unusually long and could be a tactic to lure customers into making a purchase based on false promises.

6. **Lack of Clinical Evidence**: The website does not provide any clinical evidence or studies to support the effectiveness of the product. Legitimate skincare products often have scientific research to back their claims.

7. **Poor Website Design and Copy**: The website content provided seems to have formatting issues and repetitive content, which is unprofessional and could be a sign of a hastily put together, low-quality website.

8. **No Secure Payment Information**: If the website does not provide clear information about secure payment methods and does not use HTTPS, it could be a risk to enter personal and financial details.

9. **No Information on Ingredients or Usage**: Legitimate skincare products usually provide detailed information about their ingredients, how to use the product, and any potential side effects or contraindications.

10. **No Social Proof or Trust Seals**: The website does not display trust seals from recognized security or consumer protection organizations, and there is no evidence of a strong social media presence or user engagement.

Based on these red flags, it is advisable to approach this website with caution and conduct further research before making any purchases. It's important to verify the legitimacy of the company, the product's claims, and the security of the website before providing any personal or financial information."

the reasons behind this review :
No Verifiable Information, Unsubstantiated Claims, Use of Celebrity Endorsements, High Number of Positive Reviews, Unrealistic Guarantees, Lack of Clinical Evidence, Poor Website Design and Copy, No Secure Payment Information, No Information on Ingredients or Usage, No Social Proof or Trust Seals
Positive PointsNegative Points

  Website content is accessible

  No spelling or grammatical errors in site content

  Low review rate by AI

  Archive is new

  Whois data is hidden