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Why is the trust score of high?

The website appears to be a legitimate business website. It provides information about a company called Dissenting, which is described as an international consulting and procurement company. The site lists various fields of activity, including the procurement of vehicles, special vehicles, spare parts, aircraft, and maritime vessels, as well as machinery and equipment. It also mentions the procurement of various commodities such as crude oil, diesel, jet fuel, sulfur, and fertilizers, as well as the worldwide brokerage of basic foodstuffs like rice, wheat, sugar, coffee, and cocoa. Additionally, the site claims to be involved in the wholesale trade of rice from different countries.

The website also mentions the procurement of engines, generators, and ship engines, along with their spare parts, from various manufacturers. It discusses the sale of power plants, both gas and coal, and the procurement of large-scale industrial plants, including refineries, recycling plants, and cement plants. Furthermore, it claims to be involved in the procurement of equipment for the oil, gas, and maritime industries, including pumps, cranes, oil platforms, commercial ship equipment, engines, generators, boats, and ships. The site also mentions the sale of specialized vehicles and accessories, such as cranes, construction vehicles, tracked vehicles, and amphibious vehicles, for land, air, and sea use. It also claims to supply solar panels from various manufacturers in large quantities and offers to provide customized solutions and project planning for solar energy projects.

The website provides contact information for inquiries and mentions other related websites, such as (the main site), (a special site for aircraft), and (for transport and logistics). The site is presented as being powered by WordPress.

Based on the information provided, the website appears to be a legitimate business site for a company involved in international consulting and procurement across various industries. However, as with any business, it’s important to conduct due diligence and verify the claims made on the website, especially if considering engaging in any business transactions.”

the reasons behind this review :
Legitimate business website, Detailed information about the company Dissenting, International consulting and procurement company, Various fields of activity listed, Procurement of vehicles, special vehicles, spare parts, aircraft, and maritime vessels, Procurement of machinery and equipment, Procurement of commodities such as crude oil, diesel, jet fuel, sulfur, and fertilizers, Worldwide brokerage of basic foodstuffs like rice, wheat, sugar, coffee, and cocoa, Wholesale trade of rice from different countries, Procurement of engines, generators, and ship engines, along with their spare parts, Sale of power plants, both gas and coal, Procurement of large-scale industrial plants, including refineries, recycling plants, and cement plants, Procurement of equipment for the oil, gas, and maritime industries, Sale of specialized vehicles and accessories for land, air, and sea use, Supply of solar panels from various manufacturers in large quantities, Offer of customized solutions and project planning for solar energy projects, Contact information provided for inquiries, Mention of related websites, such as,, and, Website powered by WordPress, Important to conduct due diligence and verify claims before engaging in business transactions
Positive PointsNegative Points

  Website content is accessible

  No spelling or grammatical errors in site content

  High review rate by AI

  Archive is new

  Whois data is hidden