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Why is the trust score of very low?

The content of the website is a mix of unrelated and potentially suspicious information. It starts with a reference to a business called ‘Big Bear Customs,’ which seems to be related to motorcycle gear and accessories, specifically mentioning the brand Alpinestars. However, the content quickly shifts to discussing tourism in Goa, online casinos, and poker rooms. This erratic and unrelated content is a red flag for a legitimate business website.

The mention of online casinos and poker rooms, in particular, is concerning. It’s highly unusual for a legitimate business, especially one supposedly focused on motorcycle gear, to have content related to gambling. This could be an attempt to attract visitors interested in online gambling, which is a common tactic used by scam websites.

The website also includes a disclaimer about online gambling being illegal in some jurisdictions, which is a standard practice for legitimate gambling websites. However, the abrupt shift from motorcycle gear to online gambling is suspicious.

The website’s design and layout are also important factors to consider. A professional and legitimate e-commerce website would have a clear and cohesive design, with a focus on the products or services being offered. If the website’s design appears haphazard or unprofessional, it could be a sign of a scam.

The presence of a contact email address,, is a positive sign, as it suggests a means of communication with the business. However, it’s important to note that scammers can easily create fake email addresses, so this alone is not sufficient to establish legitimacy.

Given the combination of unrelated content, including online gambling, and the potential lack of a clear focus on motorcycle gear, this website raises several red flags. It’s advisable to exercise caution and conduct further research or verification before engaging with this site or making any purchases.

It’s also recommended to look for independent reviews or testimonials about the business, as well as to verify its physical address and contact information. If possible, reaching out to the business directly through the provided contact information can help clarify any doubts about its legitimacy.

In summary, the website’s content, particularly the mix of motorcycle gear and online gambling references, is highly irregular and suggests a potential scam. It’s important to approach this website with caution and conduct thorough research and verification before taking any further steps.”

the reasons behind this review :
Unrelated and erratic content, Mention of online gambling, Lack of clear focus on motorcycle gear, Unprofessional or haphazard website design, Presence of a contact email address (, Potential for fake or misleading contact information, Lack of independent reviews or testimonials, Need for further research and verification, Caution advised before engaging with the website or making purchases
Positive PointsNegative Points

  Website content is accessible

  No spelling or grammatical errors in site content

  Archive Age is quite old

  Low review rate by AI

  Whois data is hidden

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