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Why is the trust score of very low?

The website content seems to be a mix of legitimate financial services information and promotional material, but there are several red flags that suggest caution:

1. Lack of Detailed Information: While the website provides a lot of information about the company, its services, and its various branches, there's a lack of specific details about their financial products and how they operate.

2. Appeal for Caution Against Fraud: The website includes a section that appeals to people to be careful about fraud under the guise of the company's name. This is unusual for a legitimate financial services website and could be an attempt to preemptively address concerns about potential scams.

3. Unverifiable Claims: The website makes several claims about its operations, such as having 12 operational offices in Indonesia and being an official futures brokerage company registered with the Badan Pengawas Perdagangan Berjangka Komoditi (BAPPEBTI) since 2004. These claims are difficult to verify without access to official records.

4. Limited Online Presence: While the website provides links to social media platforms, the actual online presence of the company, especially in terms of independent reviews and news articles, seems limited.

5. Ambiguous Language: Some of the language used on the website is ambiguous and could be interpreted as attempting to create a sense of urgency or exclusivity, which is a common tactic in some fraudulent schemes.

6. Unusual Emphasis on Social Activities: The website includes a significant amount of content related to the company's social activities, such as blood donation drives and support for medical personnel. While corporate social responsibility is common, the emphasis on these activities, especially in the absence of detailed financial information, is unusual.

7. Lack of Independent Reviews: A search for independent reviews or news articles about the company doesn't yield much information, which is unusual for a company that claims to have been in operation for a significant period.

8. Unusual Domain Name: The domain name "" is somewhat unusual and doesn't immediately align with the names of established financial institutions.

9. High-Risk Investment Products: The website lists a range of investment products, some of which may be considered high-risk, such as futures contracts for commodities like gold and oil. While these are legitimate investment options, they are not suitable for all investors and require a high level of understanding and risk tolerance.

10. Lack of Regulatory Information: While the website claims to be registered with BAPPEBTI, there's a lack of detailed information about its regulatory status and compliance, which is important for any financial services company.

It's important to note that these points are based on an analysis of the website content and some general industry knowledge. It's always advisable to conduct thorough due diligence and, if considering any financial services, to consult with a qualified and independent financial advisor."

the reasons behind this review :
Lack of Detailed Information, Appeal for Caution Against Fraud, Unverifiable Claims, Limited Online Presence, Ambiguous Language, Unusual Emphasis on Social Activities, Lack of Independent Reviews, Unusual Domain Name, High-Risk Investment Products, Lack of Regulatory Information
Positive PointsNegative Points

  Website content is accessible

  No spelling or grammatical errors in site content

  Archive Age is quite old

  Low review rate by AI

  Whois data is hidden

  Domain does not rank within the top 1M on the Tranco list.