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Why is the trust score of low?

Based on the provided information, the website appears to be a legitimate online shop. Here are some reasons for this assessment:

SSL Certificate: The website has a valid SSL certificate issued by Google Trust Services, which helps secure online transactions and protect sensitive information.

Domain Age: Although the exact domain age is not provided, the website has been archived by the Wayback Machine, indicating that it has been in existence for some time.

Server Information: The website is hosted on a server associated with Shopify, a popular e-commerce platform used by many legitimate online stores.

Location Information: The server location is in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, which aligns with the expected location for an e-commerce website.

Given these factors, it is reasonable to conclude that is a safe and legitimate online shop. However, it’s always a good practice to exercise caution when making online purchases, especially from unfamiliar websites. Here are some additional tips to ensure a secure online shopping experience:

Check for Reviews: Look for customer reviews and ratings of the website and its products. This can provide valuable insights into the quality of the service.
Use Secure Payment Methods: When making a purchase, use secure payment methods such as credit cards or trusted third-party payment services like PayPal.
Verify Contact Information: Ensure that the website provides clear and accurate contact information, including a physical address and customer support details.
Check for Trust Seals: Look for trust seals or certifications from reputable organizations, as these can indicate a commitment to security and customer satisfaction.
By following these guidelines and staying informed about best practices for online shopping, you can help protect yourself and make confident, secure purchases from e-commerce websites like”

the reasons behind this review :
Valid SSL certificate issued by Google Trust Services, Domain has been archived by the Wayback Machine, Website is hosted on a server associated with Shopify, Server location is in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, Tips for ensuring secure online shopping
Positive PointsNegative Points

  Website content is accessible

  High review rate by AI

  Archive is new

  Whois data is hidden

How much trust do people have in


Total 0 reviews

All reviews are from registered members
