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Why is the trust score of low?

Atasa Danışmanlık is a company that provides consultancy services for residence and work permits, as well as citizenship processes, for foreigners in Turkey. The website offers information about various services related to residence and work permits, such as the process of obtaining a work permit, the rights and obligations of work permit holders, and the steps for applying for a residence permit. It also provides details about the company’s services, team, and contact information.

The website seems to be professionally designed and provides valuable information for individuals who are interested in or in need of assistance with residence and work permits in Turkey. The content is focused on addressing the needs and concerns of foreigners in the country, particularly in relation to legal and administrative processes.

It’s important to note that the information provided on the website should be used as a general guide, and individuals with specific questions or unique circumstances should consider directly contacting Atasa Danışmanlık for personalized assistance. Additionally, as with any legal or administrative process, it’s advisable to verify information with official sources or legal professionals to ensure accuracy and currency.

Overall, based on the content and purpose of the website, it appears to be a legitimate platform offering consultancy services for residence and work permits in Turkey. However, as with any online service, users should exercise caution and conduct their own research or seek professional advice before engaging in any formal agreements or transactions.”

the reasons behind this review :
Professional website design, Valuable information for foreigners in Turkey, Focus on legal and administrative processes, Contact information provided for personalized assistance, Caution advised for verifying information with official sources or legal professionals
Positive PointsNegative Points

  Website content is accessible

  No spelling or grammatical errors in site content

  High review rate by AI

  Archive is new

  Whois data is hidden

How much trust do people have in


Total 0 reviews

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