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Why is the trust score of very low?

The website appears to be an online store specializing in lighting and DJ equipment for events and weddings. The website is in Persian and seems to target an Iranian audience. The products listed on the website include various lighting equipment, such as LED lights, fog machines, and bubble machines, as well as DJ accessories.

The website’s design is relatively simple, with a focus on displaying products and their prices. It includes a navigation menu for different product categories, a search function, and options to view the shopping cart and user account.

The homepage prominently features a section for the best-selling products, which includes items like liquid fog machines, bubble machines, and black light accessories. Each product is accompanied by a brief description, price, and options to add it to the cart or compare it with other products.

The website also provides a brief overview of the company, stating that it started its professional activities in 2014 and imports lighting equipment directly from China. It claims to offer after-sales service and testing for all products.

The “About Us” section provides more details about the company’s history and its commitment to providing high-quality products. It mentions that the company is based in Tehran, Iran, and offers both domestic and international shipping.

The website includes a blog section, which features articles related to event lighting, such as tips for choosing the right lighting for different occasions and maintenance advice for lighting equipment.

The “Contact Us” page provides the company’s address in Tehran, along with contact numbers for both landline and mobile phones. It also lists an email address for inquiries and a form for submitting messages.

The website’s footer contains links to its main pages, including the homepage, “About Us,” “FAQs,” “Blog,” and “Contact Us.” It also includes links to the company’s social media profiles on platforms like LinkedIn, WhatsApp, and Instagram.

The website uses a secure connection, as indicated by the presence of an SSL certificate. This is important for protecting users’ personal and financial information during online transactions.

Overall, the website appears to be a legitimate online store specializing in lighting and DJ equipment. However, as with any online purchase, it’s important for customers to exercise caution and conduct thorough research before making a purchase. This can include verifying the company’s reputation, reading customer reviews, and ensuring that the website’s payment processing is secure.”

the reasons behind this review :
The website appears to be an online store specializing in lighting and DJ equipment for events and weddings. The website is in Persian and seems to target an Iranian audience. The products listed on the website include various lighting equipment, such as LED lights, fog machines, and bubble machines, as well as DJ accessories.

The website's design is relatively simple, with a focus on displaying products and their prices. It includes a navigation menu for different product categories, a search function, and options to view the shopping cart and user account.

The homepage prominently features a section for the best-selling products, which includes items like liquid fog machines, bubble machines, and black light accessories. Each product is accompanied by a brief description, price, and options to add it to the cart or compare it with other products.

The website also provides a brief overview of the company, stating that it started its professional activities in 2014 and imports lighting equipment directly from China. It claims to offer after-sales service and testing for all products.

The "About Us" section provides more details about the company's history and its commitment to providing high-quality products. It mentions that the company is based in Tehran, Iran, and offers both domestic and international shipping.

The website includes a blog section, which features articles related to event lighting, such as tips for choosing the right lighting for different occasions and maintenance advice for lighting equipment.

The "Contact Us" page provides the company's address in Tehran, along with contact numbers for both landline and mobile phones. It also lists an email address for inquiries and a form for submitting messages.

The website's footer contains links to its main pages, including the homepage, "About Us," "FAQs," "Blog," and "Contact Us." It also includes links to the company's social media profiles on platforms like LinkedIn, WhatsApp, and Instagram.

The website uses a secure connection, as indicated by the presence of an SSL certificate. This is important for protecting users' personal and financial information during online transactions.

Overall, the website appears to be a legitimate online store specializing in lighting and DJ equipment. However, as with any online purchase, it's important for customers to exercise caution and conduct thorough research before making a purchase. This can include verifying the company's reputation, reading customer reviews, and ensuring that the website's payment processing is secure.
Positive PointsNegative Points

  Website content is accessible

  No spelling or grammatical errors in site content

  Low review rate by AI

  Domain is new

  Archive is new

  Whois data is hidden

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