How much trust do people have in


Total 0 reviews

All reviews are from registered members


Why is the trust score of strongly low?

The website content is vague and lacks specific information about the company, its services, and its team. The use of generic terms and lack of detailed explanations can be a red flag for potential customers. Legitimate businesses usually provide comprehensive information to build trust with their audience. The website’s design and layout also appear unprofessional, with a basic and outdated look. This can further contribute to a lack of credibility. The absence of customer reviews or testimonials is another concern. Genuine businesses often showcase feedback from satisfied customers to establish their reputation. The website’s domain age is also relatively recent, which can be a risk factor. Scammers often create new websites to avoid detection and may not have a long-term commitment to their fraudulent operations. The lack of transparency regarding the company’s ownership, location, and contact details is a significant red flag. Legitimate businesses are typically open about this information to build trust and facilitate communication with customers. The absence of clear privacy and data protection policies is concerning. With the increasing focus on data privacy, reputable companies are expected to have robust policies in place to protect their customers’ information. The use of a free email address (Gmail) for business communication is unprofessional and can be associated with fraudulent or unreliable operations. Legitimate businesses usually have a professional domain-specific email address. The website’s use of Google’s branding and disclaimers about not being associated with Google are unusual and could be an attempt to appear more legitimate. However, this tactic can also be a red flag, especially if it is not clearly explained why Google is mentioned on the site. The website’s SSL certificate is issued by a reputable organization (Google Trust Services LLC), which is a positive sign. However, it’s important to note that scammers can also obtain SSL certificates, so this alone does not guarantee the website’s legitimacy. The website’s server location in the United States, combined with potential inconsistencies in the company’s claimed location or operations, could be a cause for concern. If the company presents itself as operating primarily in Italy, but its server is located in the US, it raises questions about the accuracy of its claims. The lack of a physical address or clear information about the company’s headquarters is a significant red flag. Legitimate businesses typically provide this information to establish trust and credibility. The website’s use of multiple “Request a Quote” buttons without clear differentiation or specific details about the quoting process can be confusing and may indicate a lack of professionalism. The website’s use of a generic and non-specific phone number (e.g., +39 344-6727001) without a clear association with the company’s name or location is unusual. Legitimate businesses usually provide a dedicated and recognizable phone number for customer inquiries. The website’s use of a free email address (Gmail) for business communication is unprofessional and can be associated with fraudulent or unreliable operations. Legitimate businesses usually have a professional domain-specific email address. The website’s use of Google’s branding and disclaimers about not being associated with Google are unusual and could be an attempt to appear more legitimate. However, this tactic can also be a red flag, especially if it is not clearly explained why Google is mentioned on the site. The website’s SSL certificate is issued by a reputable organization (Google Trust Services LLC), which is a positive sign. However, it’s important to note that scammers can also obtain SSL certificates, so this alone does not guarantee the website’s legitimacy. The website’s server location in the United States, combined with potential inconsistencies in the company’s claimed location or operations, could be a cause for concern. If the company presents itself as operating primarily in Italy, but its server is located in the US, it raises questions about the accuracy of its claims. The lack of a physical address or clear information about the company’s headquarters is a significant red flag. Legitimate businesses typically provide this information to establish trust and credibility. The website’s use of multiple “Request a Quote” buttons without clear differentiation or specific details about the quoting process can be confusing and may indicate a lack of professionalism. The website’s use of a generic and non-specific phone number (e.g., +39 344-6727001) without a clear association with the company’s name or location is unusual. Legitimate businesses usually provide a dedicated and recognizable phone number for customer inquiries.”

the reasons behind this review :
Vague and generic website content, Unprofessional website design and layout, Lack of customer reviews or testimonials, Recent domain age, Lack of transparency about company ownership and location, Absence of clear privacy and data protection policies, Use of a free email address (Gmail) for business communication, Unusual disclaimers about not being associated with Google, SSL certificate issued by a reputable organization (Google Trust Services LLC), Server location in the United States potentially inconsistent with claimed operations, Lack of a physical address or clear information about the company's headquarters, Confusing use of multiple "Request a Quote" buttons, Use of a generic and non-specific phone number, Unusual disclaimers about not being associated with Google, SSL certificate issued by a reputable organization (Google Trust Services LLC), Server location in the United States potentially inconsistent with claimed operations, Lack of a physical address or clear information about the company's headquarters, Confusing use of multiple "Request a Quote" buttons, Use of a generic and non-specific phone number
Positive Points Negative Points

  Website content is accessible

  No spelling or grammatical errors in site content

  Low review rate by AI

  Archive is new

  Whois data is hidden

  Domain does not rank within the top 1M on the Tranco list.