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Why is the trust score of very low? redirected to http// during the time we crawled it. The website you provided,, appears to be offering to sell diplomas, including those for master’s and bachelor’s degrees, with a focus on Moscow, Russia. The site claims to provide genuine certificates from the Federal State Unitary Enterprise (FGUP) Goznak, a Russian company that produces secure documents, including banknotes and passports. It also emphasizes confidentiality, payment upon receipt, and free delivery to regions.

However, there are several red flags and concerns that should be carefully considered:

1. Legitimacy of the Offer: The sale of academic diplomas, especially from official institutions, is highly irregular and often illegal. It’s important to verify the authenticity and legality of such claims.

2. Unusual Contact Information: The use of a Gmail address for business communication, rather than a professional domain, is atypical for legitimate businesses.

3. Payment Upon Receipt: While this may seem like a customer-friendly policy, it’s also a common tactic used by fraudulent operations to gain trust before disappearing with the money.

4. Free Delivery to Regions: Offering free delivery to regions, especially for sensitive documents like academic diplomas, is unusual and may be a tactic to attract more customers.

5. Inconsistent Timeframes: The listed timeframes for diplomas, such as “2014-2024,” are unusual for academic documents, which are typically issued for specific years of study.

6. Highly Sensitive Nature of the Service: The sale of academic diplomas is a serious matter, and any legitimate service in this area would be highly regulated and transparent.

7. Lack of Detailed Information: The website appears to lack detailed information about the process, verification, and legal compliance, which is concerning for a service of this nature.

Given these concerns, it’s strongly advised to approach this website with extreme caution. It’s highly recommended to verify the legitimacy of the service and the documents offered through official channels and to consult with relevant authorities or educational institutions. Engaging in the purchase of academic diplomas from such sources can have serious legal and ethical implications.”

the reasons behind this review :
The sale of academic diplomas, especially from official institutions, is highly irregular and often illegal. It's important to verify the authenticity and legality of such claims. The use of a Gmail address for business communication, rather than a professional domain, is atypical for legitimate businesses. While this may seem like a customer-friendly policy, it's also a common tactic used by fraudulent operations to gain trust before disappearing with the money. Offering free delivery to regions, especially for sensitive documents like academic diplomas, is unusual and may be a tactic to attract more customers. The listed timeframes for diplomas, such as "2014-2024," are unusual for academic documents, which are typically issued for specific years of study. The sale of academic diplomas is a serious matter, and any legitimate service in this area would be highly regulated and transparent. The website appears to lack detailed information about the process, verification, and legal compliance, which is concerning for a service of this nature. Given these concerns, it's strongly advised to approach this website with extreme caution. It's highly recommended to verify the legitimacy of the service and the documents offered through official channels and to consult with relevant authorities or educational institutions. Engaging in the purchase of academic diplomas from such sources can have serious legal and ethical implications.
Positive PointsNegative Points

  Website content is accessible

  Whois data is accessible

  Domain ranks within the top 1M on the Tranco list

  Low review rate by AI

  Domain is new

  Archive is new

  High gap ratio (4.00) for older domain

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