How much trust do people have in


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Why is the trust score of strongly low?

The website content you provided seems to be related to cryptocurrency mining, specifically mentioning Tron (TRX) and USDT. However, the content is quite vague and lacks specific details about the mining process, the company behind the website, or the technology used. This lack of transparency is a red flag, as legitimate cryptocurrency mining operations typically provide clear and detailed information about their services, technology, and team.

Furthermore, the website’s domain, “,” does not follow the typical naming conventions for legitimate cryptocurrency mining platforms. The use of “app” in the subdomain and the unconventional “tronpk” could be an attempt to appear related to Tron (TRX) cryptocurrency, but it does not align with the naming patterns of established and reputable platforms.

The website’s use of terms like “receive voucher,” “join the node,” and “start mining” without providing clear explanations or technical details is also concerning. Legitimate cryptocurrency mining platforms typically offer detailed information about their mining process, including the hardware or algorithms used, the expected returns, and the associated risks.

Additionally, the website’s mention of “liquidity mining” and “income user output” without clear explanations or risk disclosures is another red flag. Liquidity mining is a complex and high-risk activity in the cryptocurrency space, and it requires careful consideration of market conditions, platform security, and the specific tokens involved. Without detailed information and risk warnings, these terms could be misleading.

The website’s use of generic phrases like “help center,” “how do I withdraw money,” and “how to calculate income” without providing specific, detailed answers or support resources is also suspicious. Legitimate platforms typically offer comprehensive support, including detailed FAQs, customer service contact information, and transparent processes for withdrawals and income calculations.

The mention of an “audit report” and “business partner” without specific details or verifiable information is another red flag. Legitimate cryptocurrency mining platforms often undergo independent audits and have transparent partnerships with reputable companies, and they typically provide verifiable evidence of these relationships.

Overall, based on the information provided, the website “” raises several red flags that are commonly associated with cryptocurrency scams or untrustworthy platforms. It is essential to exercise extreme caution and conduct thorough research before engaging with any cryptocurrency mining platform, especially if it exhibits the characteristics mentioned above. Always prioritize platforms with transparent operations, verifiable track records, and a strong reputation in the cryptocurrency community.”

the reasons behind this review :
Vague and Lack of Specific Details, Unconventional Domain Name, Use of Generic and Misleading Terms, Lack of Transparency on Mining Process and Technology, Mention of High-Risk Activities Without Adequate Disclosures, Generic Phrases Without Detailed Support Information, Unsubstantiated Claims of Audit Reports and Business Partnerships
Positive PointsNegative Points

  Website content is accessible

  No spelling or grammatical errors in site content

  Low review rate by AI

  Archive is new

  Whois data is hidden