How much trust do people have in


Total 0 reviews

All reviews are from registered members


Why is the trust score of very low? redirected to https// during the time we crawled it. The website appears to be a scam. Here are the reasons:

1. Domain Name: The domain name “” does not match the official domain for Amazon, which is “” This is a common tactic used by scammers to create domain names that resemble legitimate websites.

2. Unusual URL: The URL “” is not a standard or official URL for Amazon. It is important to be cautious of websites with non-standard or unusual URLs, as they may not be legitimate.

3. Lack of HTTPS: The website does not use HTTPS, which is a standard security feature for legitimate e-commerce websites. This means that any information you enter on the site, such as personal or payment details, may not be secure.

4. Poor Design and Functionality: The website’s design and functionality appear to be of low quality, which is often a red flag for scam websites. Legitimate e-commerce websites, especially those as large as Amazon, typically have professional and well-designed interfaces.

5. Suspicious Content: The website’s content, including the use of non-standard language and formatting, may be indicative of a scam. Legitimate e-commerce websites, especially those with an international presence like Amazon, typically have professionally translated and formatted content.

6. Lack of Trust Seals or Verifications: The website does not display any trust seals or verifications from reputable security or e-commerce organizations. Legitimate e-commerce websites often display such seals to assure customers of their security and authenticity.

7. Unverified Contact Information: The website may not provide verifiable contact information, such as a physical address or phone number. Legitimate e-commerce websites typically provide clear and verifiable contact information.

8. Unusual or Suspicious Offers: If the website is offering unusually low prices or deals that seem too good to be true, it could be a sign of a scam. Scammers often use enticing offers to lure in unsuspecting customers.

9. Lack of Reviews or Reputation: If the website has few or no reviews, or if it has a negative reputation online, it could be a sign that it is not a legitimate or trustworthy e-commerce platform.

It is important to exercise caution when visiting and making purchases from unfamiliar websites, especially those that claim to be associated with well-known and trusted brands like Amazon. When in doubt, it is best to use the official and well-established website of the company in question, and to verify the site’s authenticity through independent sources.”

the reasons behind this review :
Domain Name, Unusual URL, Lack of HTTPS, Poor Design and Functionality, Suspicious Content, Lack of Trust Seals or Verifications, Unverified Contact Information, Unusual or Suspicious Offers, Lack of Reviews or Reputation
Positive Points Negative Points

  Website content is accessible

  No spelling or grammatical errors in site content

  Domain Age is quite old

  Archive Age is quite old

  Whois data is accessible

  Low review rate by AI

  Domain does not rank within the top 1M on the Tranco list.