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AlmaLinux OS is an open-source, community-driven Linux operating system designed to be a 1:1 binary compatible fork of Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL). It was created as a replacement for CentOS, specifically the stable release version that was discontinued by Red Hat. The project is managed and governed by the AlmaLinux OS Foundation, a non-profit organization.

Key Features and Highlights:

1. **Binary Compatibility with RHEL**: AlmaLinux OS is designed to be fully compatible with RHEL, allowing users to seamlessly transition from RHEL or CentOS without needing to modify their applications or infrastructure.

2. **Community-Driven Development**: The project is driven by the community, with contributions and support from a wide range of individuals and organizations. This ensures that the development and direction of the operating system are aligned with the needs of its users.

3. **Long-Term Support**: AlmaLinux OS aims to provide long-term support for its releases, giving users a stable and reliable platform for their infrastructure and applications.

4. **Security and Stability**: As an enterprise-grade operating system, AlmaLinux OS prioritizes security and stability, making it suitable for production environments and critical workloads.

5. **Free and Open Source**: AlmaLinux OS is provided as a free and open-source operating system, allowing for widespread adoption and collaboration within the community.

6. **Sponsorship and Support**: The project is backed by significant sponsorship, including a $1 million annual sponsorship from CloudLinux Inc. and support from other sponsors. This financial backing helps ensure the ongoing development and support of the operating system.

7. **Commercial Support Options**: While the core operating system is free, commercial support options are available for organizations that require additional assistance, such as extended support, security patches, and more.

8. **Multiple Architectures and Deployment Options**: AlmaLinux OS supports multiple architectures, including x86_64, aarch64, ppc64le, and s390x. It also provides official images for various cloud providers, container platforms, and virtualization environments.

9. **Certifications and Compliance**: The operating system undergoes certifications and compliance testing, such as FIPS 140-3, to ensure it meets industry standards for security and reliability.

10. **Migration and Transition Support**: AlmaLinux OS offers resources and guidance for organizations looking to migrate from CentOS or other Linux distributions to AlmaLinux, making the transition as smooth as possible.

Overall, AlmaLinux OS aims to be a robust, community-driven, and enterprise-ready Linux distribution that fills the void left by the changes to the CentOS project. Its focus on compatibility, stability, and long-term support makes it a compelling choice for organizations and individuals seeking a reliable platform for their infrastructure and applications.”

the reasons behind this review :
Binary Compatibility with RHEL, Community-Driven Development, Long-Term Support, Security and Stability, Free and Open Source, Sponsorship and Support, Commercial Support Options, Multiple Architectures and Deployment Options, Certifications and Compliance, Migration and Transition Support
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