How much trust do people have in


Total 0 reviews

All reviews are from registered members


Why is the trust score of very high?

All4Freedom is a website that promotes freedom and the right to be oneself. It is a participation platform that aims to unite like-minded individuals who support freedom. The site encourages users to create an account and share their stories, art, photos, videos, opinions, and news related to freedom. It also highlights the experiences of individuals who have embraced their freedom and encourages others to do the same. The platform has a social media-like structure with followers, heroes, and sponsors. It emphasizes the importance of freedom and the impact it has on people’s lives. The site also addresses concerns about data privacy and emphasizes that it will never sell user data, aligning with its values of freedom, privacy, respect, and transparency. All4Freedom is associated with the Project Aware Foundation, which also operated without money and relied on volunteers and sponsorships. The site acknowledges that it is still in its early stages and may not have the same resources as established tech giants, but it is committed to its mission and improving over time with user support. It also lists its sponsors and emphasizes that it operates without funds and money, relying on the support of companies and individuals who share its values. The site’s content and messaging are focused on promoting freedom, individuality, and the power of collective support. It encourages users to join and be part of a community that values and advocates for freedom. Overall, All4Freedom appears to be a platform with a strong emphasis on promoting freedom and providing a space for individuals to express themselves and support each other in their pursuit of freedom.”

the reasons behind this review :
Promotes freedom and the right to be oneself, Encourages users to share their stories, art, photos, videos, opinions, and news related to freedom, Highlights the experiences of individuals who have embraced their freedom, Emphasizes the importance of freedom and its impact on people's lives, Social media-like structure with followers, heroes, and sponsors, Addresses concerns about data privacy and asserts that it will never sell user data, Associated with the Project Aware Foundation, which operated without money and relied on volunteers and sponsorships, Acknowledges its early stage and limited resources compared to established tech giants, Committed to its mission and improving over time with user support, Lists its sponsors and emphasizes its reliance on support from companies and individuals who share its values, Content and messaging focused on promoting freedom, individuality, and the power of collective support, Encourages users to join and be part of a community that values and advocates for freedom
Positive Points Negative Points

  Website content is accessible

  No spelling or grammatical errors in site content

  High review rate by AI

  Domain Age is quite old

  Archive Age is quite old

  Whois data is hidden