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Why is the trust score of high?

The website you provided,, appears to be a personal or project website hosted on GitHub Pages. GitHub Pages is a static site hosting service that takes HTML, CSS, and JavaScript files directly from a repository on GitHub, and it’s commonly used for personal or project websites, documentation, and more. However, it seems that the specific page you’re trying to access is not found, as indicated by the 404 error message.

Given that the website is hosted on GitHub Pages, it’s important to consider the following:

1. Content Availability: The 404 error could be due to the specific page not being published or being removed. If you were expecting to see content on this page, you may want to reach out to the owner of the GitHub repository to inquire about the status of the website.

2. GitHub Pages: GitHub Pages is generally a safe and reliable platform for hosting static websites. However, as with any online content, it’s important to exercise caution when interacting with websites, especially if they require you to input personal information or download files.

3. GitHub Repository: If you’re interested in the content of the website, you can check if the corresponding GitHub repository is public and explore the source code to understand the nature of the website and its content.

4. SSL Certificate: The SSL certificate information you provided indicates that the website uses a valid SSL certificate issued by Sectigo Limited. This is a positive sign for security, as it helps ensure that data transmitted between the website and its visitors is encrypted.

5. Domain Age and Whois Information: The domain age and whois information were not provided, but these details can sometimes offer insights into the history and ownership of the website. However, for a GitHub Pages site, the domain is typically a subdomain of, and the ownership is tied to the GitHub account that hosts the repository.

6. Tranco Rank and Internet Archive Age: The Tranco rank and Internet Archive age were both listed as 0, which may be due to the specific nature of GitHub Pages and how it is indexed by these services. It’s not necessarily an indication of the website’s trustworthiness.

In summary, while the specific page you attempted to access is not found, GitHub Pages is a commonly used and generally safe platform for hosting personal and project websites. If you have specific concerns about the content or security of this website, it’s best to reach out to the owner of the GitHub repository for more information.”

the reasons behind this review :
404 error, GitHub Pages, Content Availability, SSL Certificate, Domain Age and Whois Information, Tranco Rank and Internet Archive Age
Positive PointsNegative Points

  Website content is accessible

  No spelling or grammatical errors in site content

  High review rate by AI

  Whois data is hidden

How much trust do people have in


Total 0 reviews

All reviews are from registered members
