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Why is the trust score of strongly low?

The website ‘’ is highly suspicious and likely a scam. Here are the reasons:

1. Unofficial Domain: The domain ‘’ is not the official domain for Activision, a well-known video game company. Legitimate promotions from companies like Activision are typically hosted on their official domains.

2. Phishing Attempt: The website may be attempting to phish for personal information. It’s common for scammers to create fake login pages to steal usernames and passwords.

3. Too Good to Be True: The promise of a “mythic gun” and a large amount of in-game currency (CP) for simply participating in a “new season festival” is a common tactic used by scammers to lure in victims.

4. Lack of Official Communication: Legitimate promotions from companies like Activision are usually widely communicated through official channels, such as their website, social media, and in-game notifications. If this promotion is not widely known through official channels, it’s likely not legitimate.

5. Short Domain Age: The domain was registered only 15 days ago. Scammers often use newly registered domains to carry out their fraudulent activities, as it makes it harder for their victims to trace their history.

6. Hidden Domain Registration: The fact that the domain registration information is hidden is another red flag. Legitimate companies typically provide transparent registration details for their domains.

7. SSL Certificate: While the website has an SSL certificate, it’s issued by Google Trust Services, which is not directly related to the claimed company (Activision). This could be an attempt to appear more legitimate than they are.

8. Lack of Official Branding: The website may lack the official branding and design elements typically associated with legitimate promotions from a major company like Activision.

9. High-Risk Server Location: The website is hosted on a server in San Francisco, California. While this location is not inherently suspicious, scammers often use hosting services in various locations to make it harder to track them.

10. No Official Verification: There is no mention of this promotion on the official Activision website or their verified social media accounts. Legitimate promotions are usually verified through official channels.

Given these reasons, it’s highly advisable to avoid interacting with this website and to be cautious of similar offers, especially if they are not officially announced by the legitimate company through their verified channels.”

the reasons behind this review :
Unofficial Domain, Phishing Attempt, Too Good to Be True, Lack of Official Communication, Short Domain Age, Hidden Domain Registration, SSL Certificate, Lack of Official Branding, High-Risk Server Location, No Official Verification
Positive PointsNegative Points

  Website content is accessible

  No spelling or grammatical errors in site content

  No suspicious patterns detected

  Low review rate by AI

  Domain is new

  Archive is new

  Whois data is hidden

How much trust do people have in


Total 0 reviews

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