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Ashrai Engineering College (AEC) is an educational institution located in Bangladesh. It is affiliated with the University of Rajshahi, a prominent public university in Bangladesh. AEC aims to provide engineering education and contribute to the development of skilled and patriotic citizens. The college emphasizes practical knowledge and the transformation of young, unskilled populations into a dynamic workforce relevant to 21st-century industries.

The college’s leadership includes Dr. Md. Ahsan Ali as the Chairman and Prof. Shahidul Alam as the Principal. Both express their commitment to providing a high-quality engineering education and fostering an environment of innovation and learning.

AEC offers academic programs in Computer Science & Engineering and Electrical and Electronic Engineering. It also provides information about admission guidelines, requirements, and scholarship opportunities on its website.

The college’s address is listed as Pakuria, Paba, Rajshahi, and contact information includes phone numbers and an email address.

The website features a photo gallery showcasing various facilities and activities at the college, such as the campus, labs, and reception events.

The website design and development credit goes to Rajit Solutions Ltd.

The copyright notice indicates that all rights are reserved for the year 2024, suggesting that the website content is current for that year.

Overall, based on the information provided, Ashrai Engineering College appears to be a legitimate educational institution in Bangladesh, with a focus on providing engineering education and contributing to the development of skilled professionals for the country’s workforce.”

the reasons behind this review :
Affiliation with a recognized university, Clear mission and vision for education, Information about academic programs and admission, Contact details provided, Photo gallery showcasing campus and facilities, Website design and development credit, Copyright notice for the year 2024
Positive PointsNegative Points

  Website content is accessible

  No spelling or grammatical errors in site content

  High review rate by AI

  Archive is new

  Whois data is hidden

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Total 0 reviews

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