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Admoxi is a self-service online advertising platform that caters to media buyers, affiliates, ad networks, and publishers. The platform aims to empower advertisers and publishers by providing innovative solutions to boost conversions and enhance performance. Admoxi’s services include cross-platform advertising, with a focus on mobile, tablet, and desktop ads. The company emphasizes its data-driven technology and over 20 years of ad tech experience to deliver quality digital advertising tools.

Key Features and Services:

1. Cross-Platform Advertising: Admoxi offers advertising solutions across various devices, including mobile, tablet, and desktop. This allows advertisers to reach their target audiences regardless of the device they use.

2. Targeted Ads: The platform emphasizes the importance of targeted advertising to reach the right audiences, improve engagement, and drive higher conversions.

3. Brand Awareness: Admoxi aims to increase brand visibility by exposing brands across its ad network, helping them reach new audiences and strengthen their market presence.

4. Real-Time Data and Optimization: The platform provides real-time data and optimization tools to help clients maximize the efficiency of their ad spend, leading to a higher return on investment.

5. Publisher Earnings: Admoxi’s advertising technology is designed to boost publisher earnings and payouts while enhancing user experience for greater engagement and revenue.

How It Works:

Advertisers and publishers can register on the Admoxi platform to access its self-service advertising tools. Once registered, advertisers can create and customize their ad campaigns, targeting specific audiences and setting their budgets. Admoxi’s algorithms then optimize the ad delivery to achieve the best results for the advertisers.

For publishers, Admoxi offers the opportunity to monetize their digital properties by displaying ads from the platform’s network of advertisers. Publishers can benefit from increased earnings and enhanced user experience through the platform’s advertising technology.

Overall, Admoxi positions itself as a comprehensive advertising solution for both advertisers and publishers, leveraging technology and industry expertise to drive effective and measurable results in the digital advertising space.”

the reasons behind this review :
Self-service online advertising platform, Empowers advertisers and publishers, Offers innovative solutions, Focuses on boosting conversions and enhancing performance, Provides cross-platform advertising services, Emphasizes targeted ads for improved engagement, Aims to increase brand awareness through its ad network, Offers real-time data and optimization tools, Focuses on maximizing ad spend efficiency for higher ROI, Designed to boost publisher earnings and payouts, Emphasizes user experience for greater engagement and revenue, Registration for advertisers and publishers, Allows advertisers to create and customize ad campaigns, Targeting specific audiences and setting budgets, Admoxi's algorithms optimize ad delivery for best results, Opportunity for publishers to monetize digital properties, Displays ads from the platform's network of advertisers, Benefits for publishers include increased earnings and enhanced user experience, Positions itself as a comprehensive advertising solution, Leverages technology and industry expertise for effective results
Positive PointsNegative Points

  Website content is accessible

  No spelling or grammatical errors in site content

  High review rate by AI

  Archive Age is quite old

  Domain is new

  Whois data is hidden

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