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Why is the trust score of very high? redirected to https// during the time we crawled it. 360T is a multi-bank, multi-asset trading platform for OTC financial instruments. It provides electronic trading in a wide range of assets, including foreign exchange (FX), money market instruments, and derivatives. The platform is designed to facilitate trading for a variety of market participants, including banks, corporate treasuries, institutional investors, and hedge funds. 360T offers a range of products and services, including EMS (Execution Management System) for greater workflow efficiencies, FX automation, reduced market risk, and increased control. It also provides a bridge for RFQ (Request for Quote) trading, designed by traders for traders, and the Supersonic Trader, which helps users find the right liquidity to match their execution goals. The platform’s Active Trading Suite includes 360TGTX, 360T SUN, and streaming NDFs (Non-Deliverable Forwards). Additionally, 360T offers various modules and services, such as FX futures and clearing, algos, white-label/intragroup solutions, market maker cockpit, automated dealing suite, MTF (Multilateral Trading Facility)/SEF (Swap Execution Facility), and market data analytics. The platform caters to different types of users, including institutional investors, corporate treasuries, and banks, providing tailored solutions to fit their unique workflows. For institutional investors, 360T offers bespoke solutions, while corporate treasuries can access liquidity from over 200 liquidity providers using the platform’s suite of trading workflow tools. The platform also provides solutions for banks to help them take control of their FX trading. Overall, 360T is a comprehensive trading platform that aims to meet the diverse needs of market participants in the OTC financial markets.”

the reasons behind this review :
Multi-bank, multi-asset trading platform for OTC financial instruments. Provides electronic trading in a wide range of assets, including foreign exchange (FX), money market instruments, and derivatives. Facilitates trading for banks, corporate treasuries, institutional investors, and hedge funds. Offers products and services such as EMS for greater workflow efficiencies, FX automation, reduced market risk, and increased control. Provides a bridge for RFQ trading and the Supersonic Trader to find the right liquidity. Active Trading Suite includes 360TGTX, 360T SUN, and streaming NDFs. Offers modules and services like FX futures and clearing, algos, white-label/intragroup solutions, market maker cockpit, automated dealing suite, MTF/SEF, and market data analytics. Tailored solutions for institutional investors, corporate treasuries, and banks. Corporate treasuries can access liquidity from over 200 providers. Solutions for banks to take control of their FX trading.
Positive PointsNegative Points

  Website content is accessible

  No spelling or grammatical errors in site content

  High review rate by AI

  Domain Age is quite old

  Archive Age is quite old

  Whois data is accessible

  Domain ranks within the top 1M on the Tranco list

No Negative Point