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Why is the trust score of very low?

The website is associated with the domain, which is a known gambling and betting platform. However, the specific domain seems to be a subdomain or a variation of the main domain. This can be a red flag, as scammers often create deceptive subdomains to mimic legitimate websites. It's important to verify the authenticity of the subdomain and ensure that it is indeed associated with the official 1win platform.

The content provided from the website seems to be a mix of promotional material for the 1win betting platform, including details about bonuses, games, and contact information. However, it's crucial to note that scammers can easily replicate such content to create a false sense of legitimacy. Always cross-verify the information with the official website or trusted sources.

The IP address mentioned in the content is associated with, further indicating a connection to the 1win betting platform. However, it's essential to confirm that this IP address is legitimately linked to the specific subdomain

The mention of regional restrictions and limited service in the user's region due to gambling license issues is a common tactic used by scammers to create a sense of urgency and encourage users to take immediate action. Be cautious of such claims and always verify the legitimacy of the website independently.

The SSL certificate information provided indicates that the website uses Let's Encrypt for its SSL certificate, and the issuer is R3. While Let's Encrypt is a legitimate certificate authority, scammers can also obtain SSL certificates. The presence of an SSL certificate does not guarantee the trustworthiness of a website.

The mention of a 500% bonus on the first deposit is unusually high and can be a characteristic of scam websites. Such exorbitant bonuses are often used as bait to lure unsuspecting users. It's important to be skeptical of such offers and thoroughly research the platform's reputation.

The presence of contact information, including email addresses for technical support, security service, and commercial offers, is a common tactic used by scammers to appear legitimate. However, the existence of contact information alone does not guarantee the website's trustworthiness. Always verify the authenticity of the provided contact details.

The mention of 24/7 support and a toll-free phone number (8 (800) 301 77-89) is another common tactic used by scammers to create a facade of reliability. It's important to independently verify the availability and responsiveness of the support channels.

The copyright notice at the bottom of the page claiming the year 2024 can be a tactic to create a false sense of longevity and stability. Scammers often use future dates to make their websites appear more established. Always verify the actual age and reputation of the website through reliable sources.

The presence of various game providers and a wide range of games, including live casino games, slots, and sports betting, is a common feature of legitimate online gambling platforms. However, scammers can also mimic such content. It's crucial to verify the authenticity of the games and the platform itself.

The website's claim of being 18+ and the mention of responsible gambling rules and regulations are common disclaimers used by gambling platforms. While these are standard industry practices, they do not inherently prove the legitimacy of the website. Always conduct thorough research and exercise caution when dealing with online gambling platforms.

The website's use of the term "1win" and the presence of various subdomains or variations of this term can be a tactic used by scammers to create a network of deceptive websites. Always ensure that you are accessing the official and legitimate website of the platform.

The presence of a mobile version and applications for iOS, Android, and Windows is a common feature of legitimate online gambling platforms. However, scammers can also create fake mobile applications. It's crucial to download applications only from official app stores and verify their authenticity.

The mention of an affiliate program is a standard feature of many online gambling platforms. While legitimate platforms do have affiliate programs, scammers can also use this as a tactic to attract more users. Always be cautious and thoroughly research any affiliate programs before participating.

The website's use of the term "1win" and the presence of various subdomains or variations of this term can be a tactic used by scammers to create a network of deceptive websites. Always ensure that you are accessing the official and legitimate website of the platform.

The presence of a mobile version and applications for iOS, Android, and Windows is a common feature of legitimate online gambling platforms. However, scammers can also create fake mobile applications. It's crucial to download applications only from official app stores and verify their authenticity.

The mention of an affiliate program is a standard feature of many online gambling platforms. While legitimate platforms do have affiliate programs, scammers can also use this as a tactic to attract more users. Always be cautious and thoroughly research any affiliate programs before participating.

In summary, while the content provided from the website seems to align with a typical online gambling platform, there are several red flags and common tactics used by scammers that warrant caution. It's crucial to independently verify the authenticity of the website, especially considering the use of a subdomain or variation of the main domain. Additionally, the unusually high bonus offers, regional restrictions, and the presence of contact information should be thoroughly investigated. Always conduct comprehensive research and consider seeking reviews and feedback from other users before engaging with online gambling platforms."

the reasons behind this review :
Subdomain or Variation of Main Domain, Regional Restrictions and Urgency, High Bonus Offers, Contact Information and 24/7 Support, Future-Dated Copyright Notice, Wide Range of Games and Providers, 18+ and Responsible Gambling Disclaimer, Use of "1win" Term and Multiple Subdomains, Mobile Version and Applications, Affiliate Program Mention
Positive PointsNegative Points

  Website content is accessible

  No spelling or grammatical errors in site content

  Whois data is accessible

  Low review rate by AI

  Domain is new

  Archive is new