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How much trust do people have in


Total 0 reviews

All reviews are from registered members


Why is the trust score of very low?

The content of the website raises several red flags:

Unrealistic Claims: The website makes several unrealistic claims, such as offering up to 70% off on pharmaceuticals, shipping prescriptions to the US, and providing deep discounts on both brand name and generic prescription medicines. These claims are often associated with scam websites.

Overly Positive Testimonials: The testimonials on the website are overly positive and generic, lacking specific details or verifiable information. This is a common tactic used by scam websites to create a false sense of trust.

Inconsistent and Unprofessional Language: The language used on the website is inconsistent and at times unprofessional. Legitimate online pharmacies typically maintain a professional and consistent tone throughout their content.

Lack of Specific Information: While the website mentions a wide range of products and services, it lacks specific and detailed information about the medications, their sources, and the company's credentials.

No Verifiable Contact Information: The website provides a phone number but lacks other verifiable contact information such as a physical address or professional email domain. Legitimate online pharmacies typically provide comprehensive contact details.

Legal Disclaimers: The legal disclaimers at the bottom of the page, while common on legitimate websites, do not guarantee the trustworthiness of the site. Scam websites often include such disclaimers to protect themselves legally.

In summary, the content of the website, including its claims, testimonials, language, and contact information, raises significant concerns about its legitimacy. It's important to exercise caution and conduct thorough research before engaging with any online pharmacy, especially one that exhibits these red flags."

the reasons behind this review :
Unrealistic Claims, Overly Positive Testimonials, Inconsistent and Unprofessional Language, Lack of Specific Information, No Verifiable Contact Information, Legal Disclaimers
Positive PointsNegative Points

  Website content is accessible

  No spelling or grammatical errors in site content

  Whois data is accessible

  Low review rate by AI

  Domain is new

  Archive is new