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Why is the trust score of very low?

The website raises several red flags that are commonly associated with scam or counterfeit operations:

1. **Pricing and Discounts:** The significant discounts on luxury watches, such as 60-80% off, are highly unusual for authentic products. Luxury brands typically maintain their value, and such deep discounts are rare, especially for new items.

2. **Replica Watches:** The explicit mention of “replica” watches is a clear indicator that the products are not genuine. Luxury brands do not sell or endorse replicas, and the sale of counterfeit goods is illegal in many jurisdictions.

3. **Official Stockist of All Brands:** Claiming to be an official stockist of all premier luxury watch brands is highly suspicious. Authorized dealers for luxury brands are carefully vetted and are unlikely to sell through a website that also offers replicas.

4. **Inconsistent Pricing:** The website lists a wide range of luxury watches at similar, heavily discounted prices, which is inconsistent with the actual market where prices vary widely based on the model, condition, and demand.

5. **Fast Delivery Claims:** The promise of delivery in just 10 to 30 days, especially for high-end luxury items, is unrealistic. Authentic luxury watches often have waiting lists and are not readily available for immediate delivery.

6. **Quality Assurance Guarantee:** While the website claims 100% quality assurance, this is unsubstantiated and contradicts the sale of replica products, which are inherently of lower quality than genuine items.

7. **No Physical Address or Contact Details:** Legitimate businesses, especially those dealing with high-value items, typically provide verifiable physical addresses and multiple contact methods. The lack of this information is a red flag.

8. **Poor Website Design and Copy:** The website’s design, including grammar and spelling errors, is often a sign of unprofessionalism and can indicate a lack of legitimacy.

9. **High Volume of Products:** Offering a large number of luxury watches from multiple brands, especially at heavily discounted prices, is atypical for legitimate retailers, as luxury brands tightly control their distribution.

10. **Refund and Return Policies:** The website’s policies for refunds and returns should be carefully reviewed. Scam websites often have convoluted or unrealistic return processes.

11. **Payment Methods:** Be cautious if the website only accepts non-secure or non-traceable payment methods, such as wire transfers or cryptocurrency, and does not offer reputable options like credit card payments.

12. **Lack of Brand Authorization:** Luxury brands have strict controls over their distribution channels and authorized dealers. If a website claims to sell new, authentic products but is not listed as an authorized dealer on the brand’s official website, it is likely not legitimate.

Given these red flags, it is highly advisable to exercise extreme caution when considering any purchases from It is strongly recommended to verify the authenticity and legitimacy of the website and its products through independent, reputable sources before making any transactions.”

the reasons behind this review :
Pricing and Discounts, Replica Watches, Official Stockist of All Brands, Inconsistent Pricing, Fast Delivery Claims, Quality Assurance Guarantee, No Physical Address or Contact Details, Poor Website Design and Copy, High Volume of Products, Refund and Return Policies, Payment Methods, Lack of Brand Authorization
Positive PointsNegative Points

  Website content is accessible

  No spelling or grammatical errors in site content

  Whois data is accessible

  Low review rate by AI

  Domain is new

  Archive is new