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Why is the trust score of very high? redirected to https// during the time we crawled it. Sim-Networks is a German provider of IT infrastructure services, offering a range of solutions including cloud services, dedicated servers, and data center hosting. The company emphasizes its business-oriented approach, aiming to tailor IT infrastructures to match the specific needs of its clients. Sim-Networks highlights several key features and benefits of its services:

Ultimate Stability: Sim-Networks promises powerful hardware and multiple levels of redundancy to ensure stable and uninterrupted performance for critical business systems, such as ERP software, online stores, and databases.
Custom IT Infrastructures: The company offers the flexibility to create fully unique IT infrastructures based on individual terms of cooperation, with a personalized approach for each project.
Scalable Solutions: Sim-Networks emphasizes its ability to help clients scale their IT systems and adapt to new tasks, supporting the long-term success of their businesses.
Data Security: The company promotes the security of its data centers in Europe, offering protection for clients’ valuable business data without requiring large investments.
IT Management Services: For businesses without an in-house IT department, Sim-Networks provides expertise in designing and managing IT systems, allowing clients to focus on their core business activities.
Reliable Support: The company highlights its commitment to responsive and helpful support, with a focus on personalized assistance and transparent communication.
Platform and Services: Sim-Networks offers a range of IT infrastructure services, including cloud servers, dedicated servers, VPS, web hosting, and software licenses. The company also emphasizes a project-based approach, involving stages such as project establishment, solution design, implementation, and ongoing support.
Client Testimonials: The website includes a testimonial from Edward Smishlyayev, the IT Director of Lohika Company (part of Capgemini Engineering Group), praising Sim-Networks’ response time, transparent pricing, and communication during their potential partnership.
Technical Details and Certifications: Sim-Networks provides information about the technical features of its data centers, including automatic fire protection and premium-level support. The company also mentions certifications related to data security management systems and high standards of data security.
Recent Articles: The website features a section with articles, including one discussing why some companies are reportedly moving away from major cloud platforms like AWS and Microsoft Azure.
Contact Information: Sim-Networks offers a contact form for inquiries and states that they are always ready to help. The website also lists accepted payment methods and includes links to the company’s legal information, such as terms and conditions and privacy policy.
Copyright and Cookie Consent: The website includes copyright information for Sim-Networks, indicating that it is a division of Netversor GmbH. There is also a notice about cookie consent, allowing visitors to manage their preferences for website cookies.
Overall, based on the information provided, Sim-Networks appears to be a legitimate and established IT infrastructure provider, offering a range of services with a focus on customization, reliability, and security. The company’s emphasis on tailored solutions, responsive support, and technical details about its data centers and certifications align with common practices in the IT infrastructure and cloud services industry. However, as with any business, it’s advisable for potential clients to conduct their own research, including reading reviews and seeking additional information, to ensure that Sim-Networks is the right fit for their specific IT infrastructure needs.”

the reasons behind this review :
Business-oriented IT infrastructure services, Custom IT infrastructures, Scalable solutions, Data security, IT management services, Reliable support, Range of IT infrastructure services, Project-based approach, Client testimonials, Technical details and certifications, Recent articles, Contact information, Copyright and cookie consent
Positive Points Negative Points

  Website content is accessible

  No spelling or grammatical errors in site content

  High review rate by AI

  Domain Age is quite old

  Archive Age is quite old

  Domain ranks within the top 1M on the Tranco list

  Whois data is hidden