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Why is the trust score of very low?

The content provided is a mix of various topics, including health, lifestyle, and news. However, the website's content seems to be a mix of clickbait and potentially misleading health information. Here are some reasons for concern:

Sensationalized Health Claims: The website makes sensationalized claims about health and wellness, such as "커피 마실 때 ‘이것’ 한 스푼" (One Spoon of This When Drinking Coffee) and "전신 피로 싹~ 풀립니다" (Total Fatigue is Released). These types of claims are often used in clickbait and may not be based on scientific evidence.

Lack of Credible Sources: The articles do not cite credible sources or provide references to support their health claims. In the field of health and wellness, it's important to rely on evidence-based information from reputable sources.

Inconsistent Content: The website's content seems to jump between different topics without a clear focus. This can be a red flag for credibility, as reputable health and news websites typically have a clear editorial focus.

Overly Positive Claims: Some of the health claims, such as "콜레스테롤과 당뇨병에 좋은 ‘이 것’" (Good for Cholesterol and Diabetes), are overly positive and may not present a balanced view of the topic.

Misleading Headlines: The use of sensationalized and misleading headlines, such as "이런 멀티탭은 정말 위험합니다" (These Multi-Taps Are Really Dangerous), is a common tactic in clickbait content.

Given these observations, it's important to approach the content on this website with caution, especially when it comes to health and wellness information. It's advisable to verify any health claims with reputable sources and consult healthcare professionals for accurate and reliable information."

the reasons behind this review :
Sensationalized Health Claims, Lack of Credible Sources, Inconsistent Content, Overly Positive Claims, Misleading Headlines
Positive PointsNegative Points

  Website content is accessible

  No spelling or grammatical errors in site content

  Whois data is accessible

  Low review rate by AI

  Domain is new

  Archive is new