How much trust do people have in


Total 2 reviews

All reviews are from registered members


Why is the trust score of low?

Why is the trust score of low?During our review, we observed that projobhunter[.]com redirects to projobhunter[.]com. The website claims to offer a service where they manage job applications on behalf of clients, including resume and cover letter creation, and claim to expedite interviews by directly contacting HR departments. They emphasize a data-driven approach and tailor application packages for better chances.Company Registration: Pro Job Hunter Ltd. is a fully licensed business registered in the province of Alberta, Canada. While this adds a level of credibility, several aspects of their website and services still raise concerns.Key Concerns:
  1. Unrealistic Promises:
    • The website states it applies to up to 50 jobs weekly and accelerates interview processes, which may seem overly ambitious and uncommon in the job search industry.
  2. Lack of Transparency:
    • Information about the team, their expertise, and success rates is not clearly provided. Legitimate services typically highlight their team’s qualifications.
  3. Unverifiable Testimonials:
    • While the website features testimonials, they lack verifiable details or the ability to contact the clients directly, raising concerns about authenticity. Although the company has taken steps to address this by removing inaccurate testimonials, it is important to monitor the authenticity of new testimonials.
  4. Privacy Policy and Terms & Conditions:
    • Reviewing these documents is crucial for any service handling sensitive personal information. Ensure they are comprehensive and standard-compliant. The website now includes these policies, but it’s advisable to review their contents thoroughly.
  5. Limited Contact Information:
    • The primary contact method listed is an email address. While the website does include contact information such as a phone number and address, providing multiple and easily accessible contact options is typical of legitimate businesses.
  6. Domain Age:
    • The website’s domain appears relatively new, which is a common indicator worth considering when assessing credibility.
  7. Overemphasis on Data-Driven Methods:
    • While data-driven approaches are beneficial, the website’s heavy emphasis on this aspect without clear explanations or examples may raise questions.
  8. Ambiguity in Services:
    • Details about their service processes, types of jobs applied for, and how they ensure job-applicant fit are not clearly outlined.
Conclusion: While Pro Job Hunter Ltd. is a registered and licensed business in Canada, several aspects of their online presence and service claims necessitate a cautious approach. It is essential to conduct thorough research and verification before engaging with any service that involves personal information or promises career advancement.Please note:
  • The company has expressed a willingness to improve and address the concerns raised.
  • A re-review is pending, which may lead to updates in the trust score based on the latest findings.
It is advisable for Pro Job Hunter Ltd. to continue addressing these points and for potential clients to stay informed about any updates or changes in their review.

the reasons behind this review :
Unrealistic Promises, Lack of Transparency, Unverifiable Testimonials, Privacy Policy and Terms & Conditions, Limited Contact Information, Domain Age, Overemphasis on Data-Driven Methods, Ambiguity in Services, Lack of Social Proof, Use of Free Email Service
Positive PointsNegative Points

  Website content is accessible

  No spelling or grammatical errors in site content

  Archive Age is quite old

  Whois data is accessible

  negative reviews are more than Positive reviews

  Low review rate by AI

  Domain is new