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Why is the trust score of strongly low?

The website content you provided raises several red flags that are typical of cryptocurrency scams:

1. **Too Good to Be True Offers**: Promising up to 200% bonus on token purchases is highly unusual and often a sign of a scam. Legitimate investments rarely offer such high returns.

2. **Use of Well-Known Brand Names**: Claiming to be associated with Amazon and using its trademarks can be a tactic to gain credibility, but it’s often a red flag. Amazon has not announced any plans to launch its own cryptocurrency.

3. **Urgency and Time Pressure**: The countdown timer and the emphasis on limited time offers are common tactics in scams to create a sense of urgency and push people into making quick decisions without proper consideration.

4. **Lack of Detailed Information**: The website provides very little technical or operational details about the token, its underlying technology, or the team behind it. Legitimate projects usually offer more transparency.

5. **Unrealistic Roadmap**: The roadmap, especially the claim of full integration with Amazon by 2024, seems overly ambitious and unrealistic, especially for a project that has not been widely publicized.

6. **Unverifiable Claims**: The website makes several claims about the benefits and features of the token and the associated wallet, but there’s no way to independently verify these claims.

7. **Lack of Regulatory Compliance Information**: There’s no mention of compliance with financial regulations or any information about the legal status of the token sale, which is a significant concern for any investment.

8. **Use of Cryptocurrency for Purchases**: The claim that the token can be used to get discounts on Amazon purchases is highly unusual and not in line with how cryptocurrencies are typically used for payments.

9. **No Independent Reviews or Endorsements**: Legitimate projects often have independent reviews or endorsements from reputable sources. The lack of this is a red flag.

10. **Unprofessional Language and Presentation**: The website’s language and presentation, including grammatical errors and unprofessional design, are often seen in scam websites.

Given these red flags, it’s highly advisable to exercise extreme caution and conduct thorough research before considering any investment in this project. It’s recommended to consult with financial advisors and to be wary of any high-pressure sales tactics or promises of guaranteed returns.”

the reasons behind this review :
Too Good to Be True Offers, Use of Well-Known Brand Names, Urgency and Time Pressure, Lack of Detailed Information, Unrealistic Roadmap, Unverifiable Claims, Lack of Regulatory Compliance Information, Use of Cryptocurrency for Purchases, No Independent Reviews or Endorsements, Unprofessional Language and Presentation
Positive PointsNegative Points

  Website content is accessible

  No spelling or grammatical errors in site content

  Low review rate by AI

  Whois data is hidden