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Why is the trust score of strongly low?

The content provided is a mix of product listings, pricing, and references to wholesale and bulk purchases. However, the website URL is suspicious and does not seem to be a legitimate e-commerce site. Here are some reasons for concern:

1. **Domain Name**: The domain name "" is not a typical or recognizable domain for a legitimate online store. The use of subdomains and non-standard naming can be a red flag.

2. **Unprofessional Design**: The website content is not well-organized and lacks professional design elements commonly found in established e-commerce sites.

3. **Pricing**: The consistent pricing range of $36 to $113 for various products, including jackets and coats, seems unrealistic. It's unusual for a legitimate store to have such a narrow and fixed price range for a wide variety of items.

4. **Wholesale References**: The repeated mention of wholesale, bulk purchases, and wholesale prices is not typical for a regular retail store. It's more common in business-to-business (B2B) transactions.

5. **Inconsistent Product Range**: The website mentions a wide range of products, from clothing to jackets to shoes, which can be a sign of inconsistency and lack of focus for a legitimate online store.

6. **Copyright Date**: The copyright date mentioned at the bottom of the page is "©2020," which may not be updated. This could indicate that the website is not regularly maintained or updated.

7. **Empty Shopping Cart**: The message "Your shopping cart is empty!" in the shopping cart section is unusual, especially for a site that should be actively selling products.

8. **Lack of Company Information**: There is no clear information about the company, its location, or its history, which is common for legitimate online stores.

9. **Payment and Privacy Policies**: While the website mentions "supported payment" and "privacy policy," it's important to verify the legitimacy and accuracy of these policies, especially in terms of data security and customer protection.

10. **SSL Certificate**: The SSL certificate from Let's Encrypt is a positive sign for secure data transmission, but it's not a guarantee of overall website legitimacy.

11. **Server Location**: The server location in San Francisco, California, is not necessarily a red flag, but it's important to verify if it aligns with the claimed location of the business.

12. **No Reviews or Testimonials**: The absence of customer reviews or testimonials is a common issue with new or potentially dubious websites.

Given these factors, it's advisable to exercise caution and conduct further research before making any purchases from this website. Look for independent reviews, check for customer feedback, and consider the overall reputation and trustworthiness of the site before proceeding with any transactions."

the reasons behind this review :
Domain Name, Unprofessional Design, Pricing, Wholesale References, Inconsistent Product Range, Copyright Date, Empty Shopping Cart, Lack of Company Information, Payment and Privacy Policies, SSL Certificate, Server Location, No Reviews or Testimonials
Positive PointsNegative Points

  Website content is accessible

  No spelling or grammatical errors in site content

  Low review rate by AI

  Whois data is hidden