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Why is the trust score of very high? redirected to https// during the time we crawled it. Jeremy Griffith is an Australian biologist and author who has dedicated his life to bringing a fully accountable, biological explanation to the dilemma of the human condition. His work focuses on understanding the underlying problem in all human affairs, which he refers to as the human condition. Griffith’s ideas have been the subject of praise and recognition from various professionals in the fields of psychiatry, psychology, anthropology, and more. He has also founded the World Transformation Movement (WTM), a global not-for-profit movement dedicated to transforming the individual, the human race, and the world through bringing psychologically relieving biological understanding to the human condition. The WTM recognizes Griffith’s breakthrough biological explanation of the human condition as a key component of its mission. It’s important to note that Griffith’s ideas and the WTM’s mission may be considered controversial or revolutionary, as they challenge the prevailing attitudes and coping mechanisms related to the human condition. The WTM and its global network of centers work to promote Griffith’s explanation of the human condition to ensure its psychologically liberating and transforming effects reach every human. The ultimate goal is the complete rehabilitation and transformation of the human race and the planet. The WTM’s efforts are aimed at addressing the deeply rooted issues of human behavior and promoting a more harmonious and sustainable future for humanity. It’s worth noting that the content provided is based on the information available and does not constitute an endorsement or validation of the claims made by Jeremy Griffith or the WTM. As with any information, it’s important to critically evaluate and consider multiple perspectives before forming a conclusion.”

the reasons behind this review :
Biological explanation of the human condition, Praise and recognition from professionals in various fields, Founding the World Transformation Movement (WTM), Mission of the WTM to transform the individual, the human race, and the world, Controversial or revolutionary nature of the ideas, Challenging prevailing attitudes and coping mechanisms related to the human condition, Global network of WTM centers promoting Griffith's explanation, Goal of complete rehabilitation and transformation of the human race and the planet, Addressing deeply rooted issues of human behavior, Promoting a more harmonious and sustainable future for humanity, Critical evaluation and consideration of multiple perspectives
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  High review rate by AI

  Domain Age is quite old

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