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Why is the trust score of very low?

The website content is highly suspicious and indicative of a scam. Here are the reasons:

1. **Unprofessional Language and Claims**: The website uses unprofessional language and makes exaggerated claims, which is not typical of legitimate businesses.

2. **Illegal Activities**: The website appears to be promoting the sale of illegal substances, such as psilocybin mushrooms, which is a controlled substance in many jurisdictions.

3. **Lack of Legal Compliance**: There is no mention of legal compliance, such as age verification or adherence to local laws regarding the sale of controlled substances.

4. **No Verifiable Business Information**: The website does not provide verifiable business information, such as a physical address, contact details, or information about the company’s registration.

5. **Suspicious Payment Methods**: If the website offers to sell illegal substances and accepts payment through unconventional or untraceable methods, it’s a red flag.

6. **No Information on Quality Control or Safety**: There is no information on how the quality and safety of the products are ensured, which is crucial for any legitimate business, especially in the pharmaceutical or substance industry.

7. **Testimonials**: Testimonials can be easily fabricated and are not a reliable indicator of a legitimate business.

8. **No Information on Health Risks or Responsible Use**: If the website is promoting the use of substances, especially ones with potential health risks, it should provide information on responsible use and potential health risks.

9. **No Information on Regulatory Compliance**: There is no mention of compliance with regulatory bodies or standards, which is essential for any legitimate business, especially in the pharmaceutical or substance industry.

10. **No Information on Privacy and Data Security**: If the website collects personal information for orders, it should have a clear privacy policy and information on how data is secured.

11. **No Information on Refunds or Dispute Resolution**: Legitimate businesses typically have clear policies on refunds and dispute resolution, especially for products with potential legal or health implications.

12. **No Information on Shipping and Customs Compliance**: If the website ships products, especially internationally, it should have clear information on shipping policies and compliance with customs regulations.

13. **No Information on Interaction with Healthcare Professionals**: If the website promotes the use of substances with potential health implications, it should provide information on consulting with healthcare professionals.

14. **No Information on Legal Disclaimers**: Legitimate businesses typically have legal disclaimers, especially for products with potential legal or health implications.

15. **No Information on Age Restrictions**: If the website sells products with age restrictions, such as alcohol or controlled substances, it should have clear information on age verification and restrictions.

16. **No Information on Product Testing or Certification**: If the website sells products with potential health implications, it should have information on product testing and certification.

17. **No Information on Responsible Marketing**: If the website promotes the use of substances, it should have information on responsible marketing and avoiding targeting vulnerable populations.

18. **No Information on Community Guidelines or Social Responsibility**: If the website promotes the use of substances, it should have information on community guidelines and social responsibility.

19. **No Information on Legal Rights and Responsibilities**: Legitimate businesses typically have clear information on legal rights and responsibilities, especially for products with potential legal or health implications.

20. **No Information on Adverse Effects or Risk Management**: If the website promotes the use of substances, it should have information on potential adverse effects and risk management.

In conclusion, based on the content and the reasons mentioned above, the website is highly suspicious and potentially involved in illegal or unethical activities. It is advisable to avoid engaging with such websites and to report them to the relevant authorities if appropriate.”

the reasons behind this review :
Unprofessional Language and Claims, Illegal Activities, Lack of Legal Compliance, No Verifiable Business Information, Suspicious Payment Methods, No Information on Quality Control or Safety, Testimonials, No Information on Health Risks or Responsible Use, No Information on Regulatory Compliance, No Information on Privacy and Data Security, No Information on Refunds or Dispute Resolution, No Information on Shipping and Customs Compliance, No Information on Interaction with Healthcare Professionals, No Information on Legal Disclaimers, No Information on Age Restrictions, No Information on Product Testing or Certification, No Information on Responsible Marketing, No Information on Community Guidelines or Social Responsibility, No Information on Legal Rights and Responsibilities, No Information on Adverse Effects or Risk Management
Positive PointsNegative Points

  Website content is accessible

  No spelling or grammatical errors in site content

  Whois data is accessible

  Low review rate by AI

  Domain is new

  Archive is new