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Why is the trust score of strongly low? redirected to https// during the time we crawled it. The website offers services such as increasing YouTube views, subscribers, Instagram followers, likes, and comments, as well as other social media engagement. It also claims to help advertisers increase website and YouTube video traffic to meet monetization requirements. However, the services offered by raise several red flags:

1. Violation of Platform Policies: Both YouTube and Instagram have strict policies against artificially inflating views, subscribers, likes, and comments. Engaging in such activities can lead to account suspension or termination.

2. Lack of Credible Testimonials: The website’s claim of having over 1 million members and providing services to thousands of advertisers daily lacks credible evidence or testimonials from satisfied clients.

3. Unrealistic Promises: Guaranteeing a specific number of views, subscribers, or engagement within a short period, such as reaching 4000 watch hours on YouTube, is unrealistic and likely to be a scam.

4. Financial Risk: Requiring users to make deposits for advertising their YouTube videos raises financial risk, especially if the promised results are not delivered.

5. Quality of Engagement: Even if the website can deliver the promised numbers, the quality of engagement from artificially generated views, likes, and comments is likely to be low, which can harm the channel’s credibility.

6. Privacy and Security Concerns: Providing personal information and making financial transactions on such platforms can pose privacy and security risks.

7. Long-Term Viability: Relying on artificial means to boost online presence is not a sustainable or ethical long-term strategy for content creators or businesses.

It’s important to note that artificially inflating metrics on social media platforms not only violates their policies but also undermines the trust and authenticity of the online community. Content creators and businesses are better off focusing on organic growth and genuine audience engagement, even if it takes longer to achieve significant numbers. Additionally, they should be cautious about using services like, as they can have severe repercussions on their online presence and reputation.”

the reasons behind this review :
Violation of Platform Policies, Lack of Credible Testimonials, Unrealistic Promises, Financial Risk, Quality of Engagement, Privacy and Security Concerns, Long-Term Viability
Positive PointsNegative Points

  Website content is accessible

  No spelling or grammatical errors in site content

  Domain ranks within the top 1M on the Tranco list

  Low review rate by AI

  Archive is new

  Whois data is hidden