eldoragroup.com Reviews
is eldoragroup.com legitimate or a scam?Why is the trust score of eldoragroup.com very low?
The website eldoragroup.com seems to be a scam. Here are the reasons:
SSL Certificate Mismatch: The website’s SSL certificate is for eldora.ov2.com, not eldoragroup.com. This is a common tactic used by phishing sites to appear legitimate while actually being different from the claimed identity.
Security Warning: The browser warning about the site being unsafe and potentially trying to steal information is a significant red flag.
Domain Age: The domain age of 16 years and 3 months is not a guarantee of legitimacy. Scammers can use old domains or mimic established websites to appear trustworthy.
Hidden WHOIS Information: The fact that the WHOIS information is hidden can be a sign of a potentially dubious website.
Server Location: The server location in Iran may not match the expected location for a legitimate financial institution.
Given these factors, it’s highly advisable to avoid interacting with this website, especially in any way that involves providing personal or financial information. If you were directed to this site through an unsolicited email or other suspicious means, it’s likely part of a phishing attempt. Always exercise caution and verify the legitimacy of websites, especially when they involve sensitive information.”
the reasons behind this review :
SSL Certificate Mismatch, Security Warning, Domain Age, Hidden WHOIS Information, Server Location
Positive Points | Negative Points |
Website content is accessible No spelling or grammatical errors in site content Domain Age is quite old Archive Age is quite old | Low review rate by AI Whois data is hidden |
How much trust do people have in eldoragroup.com?
Domain age :
16 years and 3 months and 14 days
WHOIS Data Status :
Website :
Title :
Privacy error
Website Rank :
Age of Archive :
15 year(s) 3 month(s) 21 day(s)
SSL Status :
WHOIS registration date :
WHOIS last update date :
WHOIS Renewal Date :
State/Province :
Country :
Email :
Email :
Email :
IP :
ISP : AS61173 Green Web Samaneh Novin PJSC
Country : IR
Name :
CSL Computer Service Langenbach GmbH d/b/a joker.com
Registrar Website :
Phone :
Email :
Target : ns1.ov2.com
IP :
ISP : AS61173 Green Web Samaneh Novin PJSC
Country : IR
Target : ns2.ov2.com
IP :
ISP : AS61173 Green Web Samaneh Novin PJSC
Country : IR
This website was last scanned on March 18, 2025

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