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Tomedes is a professional translation services company that has been in operation for over a decade. They offer a wide range of language translation services, including document translation, website localization, and interpreting services. The company prides itself on its global reach, with a network of over 20,000 professional translators covering more than 150 languages and 950 language pairs. This allows them to cater to a diverse clientele, from individuals to large corporations, across various industries.

Tomedes emphasizes the quality, speed, and accuracy of its services, with a reported 98% customer satisfaction rate. They attribute this high satisfaction level to their team of highly trained and certified translators, as well as their nearly two decades of experience in the language solutions industry. The company’s commitment to quality is further underscored by its ISO certifications, including ISO 9001:2015, ISO 18587:2017, and ISO 17100:2015.

In addition to traditional translation services, Tomedes also leverages advanced technology, such as machine translation and artificial intelligence (AI), to enhance their offerings. They provide specialized machine translation and AI-assisted human translation, which can be particularly useful for large-scale projects or content that requires rapid turnaround.

Tomedes’ comprehensive language solutions cover various aspects of multilingual communication, including interpretation, localization (e.g., for websites and software), transcription, subtitling, and voice-overs. This breadth of services allows them to address the diverse linguistic and cultural needs of their clients.

The company’s client base is said to include over 95,000 satisfied customers worldwide, ranging from small and medium-sized businesses to top global companies, including Fortune 500 enterprises. They highlight their aggregate rating of 4.9 out of 5, based on nearly 1,800 verified online reviews, as a testament to their consistent delivery of high-quality language solutions.

Tomedes’ commitment to customer service is evident in their 24/7 availability and their claim that they will respond to inquiries within 15 minutes. They also offer a one-year guarantee on the accuracy of their translations, which is a notable feature in the translation industry.

The company’s website provides a user-friendly interface for clients to submit their translation requests, and they emphasize their dedication to making the translation process easy and reliable for their customers. They also offer business-focused language solutions, with a focus on scalability to accommodate the growth of their clients’ enterprises.

Tomedes’ industry specialization is highlighted, with a mention of their experience in sectors such as legal, software, healthcare, and edtech. They claim to be fully equipped to meet the specific language needs of businesses across various fields, and they invite potential clients to request a free quote to explore how their translation services can support their industry-specific requirements.

The company’s mission is described as providing high-quality translation and localization services through an efficient hybrid approach that combines AI technologies with human expertise. This emphasis on a hybrid model reflects the industry trend of integrating technology into traditional translation practices to improve efficiency and consistency.

Tomedes’ global presence is underscored by their physical office locations in the United States, the Middle East, and Europe. This international footprint aligns with their positioning as a language solutions provider for businesses with diverse linguistic and cultural needs.

The company’s commitment to quality and reliability is further reinforced by their certifications and memberships in industry organizations, such as the American Translators Association (ATA) and their recognition as a top global translation service by platforms like Clutch.

Overall, Tomedes presents itself as a reputable and established player in the language solutions industry, with a strong emphasis on quality, customer satisfaction, and technological innovation. Their extensive network of professional translators, industry experience, and global reach position them as a comprehensive language partner for businesses seeking reliable and scalable translation services.”

the reasons behind this review :
Reputable and established player in the language solutions industry, Strong emphasis on quality, customer satisfaction, and technological innovation, Extensive network of professional translators, Industry experience and global reach, Comprehensive language partner for businesses seeking reliable and scalable translation services
Positive PointsNegative Points

  Website content is accessible

  No spelling or grammatical errors in site content

  High review rate by AI

  Domain Age is quite old

  Archive Age is quite old

  Whois data is hidden

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