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Why is the trust score of low?

The website ‘’ appears to be an online shop specializing in the sale of modems and related networking equipment. The site is in Persian, and it seems to cater to an Iranian audience, given the contact information and the mention of serving customers across Iran. The site offers a variety of modems, including stock (used) and new imported modems, with a focus on affordability and nationwide delivery. It also provides a range of related products, such as wireless routers, signal boosters, and accessories.

The site emphasizes the quality and reliability of its products, particularly its stock modems, and highlights the cost savings and benefits of purchasing from them. It also mentions the availability of online consultation and support for customers to assist in choosing the right modem for their needs.

The site’s ‘About Us’ section mentions that it collaborates with reputable importers in Iran to offer original products with warranties and support. It also states that it provides the latest networking equipment and modems.

The ‘Blog’ section of the site contains articles related to modems, networking, and related technologies. These articles cover topics such as testing the quality of stock and second-hand modems, recommendations for modems in specific scenarios (e.g., for rural areas), and introductions to specific modem models or technologies (e.g., Wi-Fi 6). This blog content suggests a focus on educating and informing customers about networking and modem-related topics.

The site’s ‘Contact Us’ section provides multiple means of communication, including a phone number, email address, and a form for order tracking. It also lists the working hours for customer service.

Overall, the website seems to be a legitimate online shop specializing in modems and networking equipment, with a focus on providing affordable and reliable products to customers in Iran. The emphasis on warranties, support, and the availability of online consultation suggests a commitment to customer service and satisfaction.”

the reasons behind this review :
The website '' appears to be an online shop specializing in the sale of modems and related networking equipment. The site is in Persian, and it seems to cater to an Iranian audience, given the contact information and the mention of serving customers across Iran. The site offers a variety of modems, including stock (used) and new imported modems, with a focus on affordability and nationwide delivery. It also provides a range of related products, such as wireless routers, signal boosters, and accessories.

The site emphasizes the quality and reliability of its products, particularly its stock modems, and highlights the cost savings and benefits of purchasing from them. It also mentions the availability of online consultation and support for customers to assist in choosing the right modem for their needs.

The site's 'About Us' section mentions that it collaborates with reputable importers in Iran to offer original products with warranties and support. It also states that it provides the latest networking equipment and modems.

The 'Blog' section of the site contains articles related to modems, networking, and related technologies. These articles cover topics such as testing the quality of stock and second-hand modems, recommendations for modems in specific scenarios (e.g., for rural areas), and introductions to specific modem models or technologies (e.g., Wi-Fi 6). This blog content suggests a focus on educating and informing customers about networking and modem-related topics.

The site's 'Contact Us' section provides multiple means of communication, including a phone number, email address, and a form for order tracking. It also lists the working hours for customer service.

Overall, the website seems to be a legitimate online shop specializing in modems and networking equipment, with a focus on providing affordable and reliable products to customers in Iran. The emphasis on warranties, support, and the availability of online consultation suggests a commitment to customer service and satisfaction.
Positive PointsNegative Points

  Website content is accessible

  High review rate by AI

  Domain is new

  Archive is new

  Whois data is hidden

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