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Why is the trust score of strongly low?

The website ‘’ appears to be a platform for downloading PowerPoint templates and educational materials, particularly in the field of nursing and healthcare. However, there are several red flags and concerns that should be addressed:

1. Unprofessional Design: The website has a very basic and unprofessional design, which is unusual for a platform that claims to offer a wide range of educational materials.

2. Limited Content: The content on the website is limited and lacks depth. There are only a few PowerPoint templates and educational materials listed, which is not typical for a specialized educational platform.

3. Pricing Discrepancies: The pricing for the educational materials seems inconsistent. For example, some files are priced at 17,500 Tomans, while others are priced at 18,900 Tomans, without clear justification for the price difference.

4. Lack of Detailed Information: There is a lack of detailed information about the educational materials and their authors. In a legitimate educational platform, users would expect to see comprehensive information about the content and its sources.

5. No User Reviews or Ratings: There are no user reviews or ratings for the educational materials, which is unusual for an established platform. Legitimate educational websites often have a system for users to provide feedback and ratings.

6. Copyright Claims: The website prominently displays a copyright notice, but the claim of “© 2025” seems unusual for a website that is currently active. It’s possible that this is a generic copyright notice and not an accurate reflection of the website’s establishment date.

7. Lack of Contact Information: While there is a “Contact Us” section, the website does not provide detailed contact information, such as a physical address or phone number. Legitimate educational platforms typically have transparent contact details.

8. Inconsistent Language Use: The use of both Farsi and English on the website is inconsistent and could be a sign of unprofessionalism.

9. Unverified Claims: The website makes bold claims about being a comprehensive platform for educational materials, but there is no evidence or verification of these claims.

10. Suspicious Payment Process: If the website offers a payment process, it’s important to ensure that it is secure and trustworthy. Look for secure payment gateways and verify the website’s SSL certificate.

Given these concerns, it’s advisable to approach this website with caution. If you are considering purchasing educational materials or using the platform for academic purposes, it’s important to thoroughly research the website’s credibility and legitimacy. Look for user reviews and independent assessments of the platform’s quality and reliability. Additionally, consider reaching out to the website’s support team with any specific questions or concerns before making any purchases.”

the reasons behind this review :
Unprofessional Design, Limited Content, Pricing Discrepancies, Lack of Detailed Information, No User Reviews or Ratings, Copyright Claims, Lack of Contact Information, Inconsistent Language Use, Unverified Claims, Suspicious Payment Process
Positive PointsNegative Points

  Website content is accessible

  No spelling or grammatical errors in site content

  Low review rate by AI

  Archive is new

  Whois data is hidden

How much trust do people have in


Total 0 reviews

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