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Why is the trust score of very low?

The website ‘’ claims to offer a range of financial services and products, including a decentralized finance system, NFT rentals, and staking benefits. However, several red flags and characteristics commonly associated with fraudulent or high-risk financial schemes are evident:

1. Unrealistic Promises: The website makes bold claims about daily passive rewards, high percentage returns, and easy financial gains. In the world of legitimate finance, such promises are highly unusual and often indicative of a scam.

2. Vague or Confusing Terminology: The use of terms like ‘complete decentralized finance system,’ ‘family NFTs,’ and ‘staking cube’ without clear explanations or industry-standard definitions can be a tactic to confuse visitors and obscure the lack of substance behind the offerings.

3. Emphasis on Recruitment and Community Building: The focus on building a ‘worldwide community’ and encouraging users to ‘become a part of our family’ is a common feature of pyramid or Ponzi schemes, where new investors’ money is used to pay returns to earlier investors.

4. Lack of Regulatory Information: Legitimate financial services providers are typically transparent about their regulatory status and provide clear information about the jurisdictions in which they are authorized to operate. The absence of such information is a warning sign.

5. High-Risk Investment Features: Features like ‘family NFTs’ and ‘renting NFTs for passive rewards’ are not typical components of mainstream, low-risk financial products. NFTs, in particular, are highly speculative and volatile assets.

6. Overemphasis on Family Values and Emotional Appeals: Scammers often use emotional appeals and references to family, community, or shared values to create a sense of trust and belonging, even when the underlying financial offering is dubious.

7. Lack of Clear Business Model or Revenue Source: The website does not provide a clear explanation of how it generates the promised returns or what sustainable, real-world business activities underpin its financial offerings.

8. Limited Information on Company Leadership: While the website mentions key figures in the company, it does not provide detailed, verifiable information about their professional backgrounds or track records in the financial industry.

9. Copyright Date Mismatch: The copyright date on the website (2024) is inconsistent with the domain’s creation date (2021), which could be a sign of inattention to detail or an attempt to create a false impression of longevity.

10. Lack of Independent Verification or Credible Endorsements: The website does not provide links to independent reviews, verifiable user testimonials, or endorsements from reputable financial or industry organizations.

It’s important to approach any financial opportunity with caution, especially when the offering involves unfamiliar or high-risk elements like NFTs and decentralized finance. Always conduct thorough research, seek independent advice from financial professionals, and be wary of any investment that seems too good to be true.”

the reasons behind this review :
Unrealistic Promises, Vague or Confusing Terminology, Emphasis on Recruitment and Community Building, Lack of Regulatory Information, High-Risk Investment Features, Overemphasis on Family Values and Emotional Appeals, Lack of Clear Business Model or Revenue Source, Limited Information on Company Leadership, Copyright Date Mismatch, Lack of Independent Verification or Credible Endorsements
Positive PointsNegative Points

  Website content is accessible

  No spelling or grammatical errors in site content

  Low review rate by AI

  Domain is new

  Archive is new

  Whois data is hidden

How much trust do people have in


Total 0 reviews

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