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Why is the trust score of very high?

The website is a part of Iconfinder, a popular platform for high-quality icons. Iconfinder provides a vast collection of icons that can be used for various purposes, such as web design, app development, and graphic design. The website offers both free and premium (paid) icons, and it’s a valuable resource for designers and developers looking for visual elements to enhance their projects.

Iconfinder’s collection includes icons in different styles, categories, and file formats, making it versatile for a wide range of design needs. Users can search for specific icons or browse through categories to find the right visuals for their projects. Additionally, Iconfinder provides tools for icon customization and offers icon sets for more cohesive design themes.

The platform also supports icon designers by allowing them to showcase and sell their work. This creates a marketplace for icon creators to share their talent and earn income from their designs. Iconfinder’s community features enable users to follow their favorite designers and stay updated on new icon releases.

Overall, Iconfinder is a reputable and widely used platform in the design community. Its extensive icon library, user-friendly interface, and support for both free and premium content make it a valuable resource for anyone in need of high-quality icons for their projects.”

the reasons behind this review :
Iconfinder is a well-established and reputable platform in the design community. It offers a vast collection of high-quality icons for various design needs, including web design, app development, and graphic design. The platform supports both free and premium (paid) icons, providing options for users with different budget constraints. Iconfinder's user-friendly interface and robust search functionality make it easy for users to find specific icons or browse through categories. The platform also supports icon customization and offers icon sets for more cohesive design themes. Iconfinder provides a marketplace for icon designers to showcase and sell their work, creating opportunities for creators to earn income from their designs. The platform's community features enable users to follow their favorite designers and stay updated on new icon releases. Overall, Iconfinder is a valuable and trusted resource for designers and developers in need of high-quality icons for their projects.
Positive PointsNegative Points

  Website content is accessible

  High review rate by AI

  Archive Age is quite old

  Whois data is hidden

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