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Why is the trust score of very low?

The website appears to be a platform for selling nootropic substances, which are often marketed as cognitive enhancers. However, there are several red flags that suggest caution:

1. Lack of Regulation: Nootropic substances are not typically regulated by health authorities, and their safety and efficacy may not be well-established.

2. Unsubstantiated Claims: The website makes bold claims about the benefits of nootropics, such as optimizing neurotransmitters and enhancing cognitive performance. These claims are often exaggerated and not supported by robust scientific evidence.

3. Variety of Uncommon Substances: The website offers a wide range of uncommon substances, some of which may not be well-studied or have known safety profiles.

4. Cryptocurrency Payments: The website’s acceptance of cryptocurrency payments can make transactions less traceable and potentially riskier for consumers.

5. Limited Information on Product Use and Risks: There is a lack of detailed information about how to use the products safely and the potential risks and side effects.

6. Disclaimers for Hobbyists and Collectors: The mention of products being “not for consumption” and intended for “hobbyists and collectors” is unusual for a website selling substances that are purportedly for cognitive enhancement.

7. High Volume of Products: The extensive list of products, some of which are out of stock, can be a red flag for a small operation claiming to offer high-quality, lab-tested substances.

8. Shipping Instructions: The specific instructions for shipping to certain locations using parcel machines and the emphasis on the highest quality of substances can be seen as attempts to appear legitimate while potentially bypassing standard regulations.

9. Lack of Transparency about the Company: There is limited information about the company itself, its location, and its team, which is important for establishing trust in the quality and legitimacy of the products.

10. Legal and Ethical Concerns: Selling substances with potential health effects, especially with unclear regulatory status, raises legal and ethical concerns.

It’s important to approach websites like with caution. Consumers should thoroughly research any substances they are considering using, consult with healthcare professionals, and be wary of exaggerated claims and unverified benefits. Additionally, it’s advisable to purchase health-related products from reputable and regulated sources.”

the reasons behind this review :
Lack of Regulation, Unsubstantiated Claims, Variety of Uncommon Substances, Cryptocurrency Payments, Limited Information on Product Use and Risks, Disclaimers for Hobbyists and Collectors, High Volume of Products, Shipping Instructions, Lack of Transparency about the Company, Legal and Ethical Concerns
Positive PointsNegative Points

  Website content is accessible

  No spelling or grammatical errors in site content

  Low review rate by AI

  Archive is new

  Whois data is hidden

How much trust do people have in


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