pom-x.com Reviews
is pom-x.com legitimate or a scam?Why is the trust score of pom-x.com very high?
The website’s URL is https://www.pomwonderful.com/pomegranate-products/pomx. The website’s content was intentionally made inaccessible due to a 404 Not Found error. Taking into account the global rank from Tranco, domain name, domain age, SSL type, Internet Archive: Wayback Machine age, servers and IPs, and WHOIS information, here’s an analysis:
Domain Name: pomwonderful.com
Domain Age: 17 years, 2 months, and 13 days
WHOIS Information: Hidden
SSL Type: Not specified (organization and issuer information not available)
Global Rank from Tranco: 0 (This may be due to the 404 error, and the actual rank could be different)
Internet Archive: Wayback Machine Age: 4287 days (This indicates that the website has been around for a significant amount of time)
Server Information: pom-x.com /,-122.3129-AS16509 Amazon.com, Inc.-98108-America/Los_Angeles-1
Based on the available information, the domain has a long history, which can be a positive indicator. However, the 404 error on the website is a concern, as it indicates that the content is currently inaccessible. It’s important to note that the absence of SSL information and the hidden WHOIS details may raise some security and transparency issues. It’s recommended to exercise caution and verify the website’s legitimacy through other means, such as contacting the company directly or checking for independent reviews and references.”
the reasons behind this review :
Long domain age, 404 error on the website, Hidden WHOIS information, Absence of SSL details, Server information provided
Positive Points | Negative Points |
Website content is accessible No spelling or grammatical errors in site content High review rate by AI Domain Age is quite old Archive Age is quite old | Whois data is hidden |
How much trust do people have in pom-x.com?
Domain age :
17 years and 2 months and 13 days
WHOIS Data Status :
Website :
Title :
POM Wonderful - Not Found
Website Rank :
Age of Archive :
11 year(s) 9 month(s) 2 day(s)
SSL Status :
WHOIS registration date :
WHOIS last update date :
WHOIS Renewal Date :
Organization :
POM Wonderful
State/Province :
Country :
Email :
Select Request Email Form at https://domains.markmonitor.com/whois/pom-x.com
Organization :
POM Wonderful
State/Province :
Country :
Email :
Select Request Email Form at https://domains.markmonitor.com/whois/pom-x.com
Organization :
POM Wonderful
State/Province :
Country :
Email :
Select Request Email Form at https://domains.markmonitor.com/whois/pom-x.com
IP :
ISP : AS16509 Amazon.com, Inc.
Country : US
Name :
MarkMonitor, Inc.
Registrar Website :
Phone :
Email :
Target : ns5.markmonitor.com
IP :
ISP : AS55195 CIRA Canadian Internet Registration Authority Autorit Canadienne pour les enregistrements Internet
Country : CA
Target : ns6.markmonitor.com
IP :
ISP : AS207021 ipcom GmbH
Country : AT
Target : ns7.markmonitor.com
IP :
ISP : AS394354 CIRA Canadian Internet Registration Authority Autorit Canadienne pour les enregistrements Internet
Country : CA
Target : ns1.markmonitor.com
IP :
ISP : AS55195 CIRA Canadian Internet Registration Authority Autorit Canadienne pour les enregistrements Internet
Country : CA
Target : ns2.markmonitor.com
IP :
ISP : AS207021 ipcom GmbH
Country : AT
Target : ns3.markmonitor.com
IP :
ISP : AS394354 CIRA Canadian Internet Registration Authority Autorit Canadienne pour les enregistrements Internet
Country : CA
Target : ns4.markmonitor.com
IP :
ISP : AS1921 ipcom GmbH
Country : AT
This website was last scanned on March 16, 2025

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