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The website is the personal website of Maël Hörz, a software developer. The site hosts freeware programs, articles related to Delphi programming, and Delphi components. The main program featured on the site is HxD, a fast and free hex editor that can open files of any size (up to 8EB) and provides raw read/write access to disks and main memory (RAM). It’s designed to be as easy to use as a text editor.

The site also provides news and updates related to HxD and other projects. For example, it announces the release of HxD 2.5, along with its features and bug fixes. It also mentions a disassembler plugin for various CPUs, which was published on GitHub by another developer.

The site has a section dedicated to translations of HxD. It lists the languages for which translations are needed and invites volunteers to help with the translations.

The articles section of the site contains technical content related to Delphi programming. For example, there’s an article on making the Sound Blaster AWE64 work with non-Intel CPUs, such as those from Cyrix and AMD. This involves patching the setup to enable the AWE64 to work with any CPU.

Another article provides a reference for Delphi messages, specifically the CN_x and CM_x messages. It explains how Delphi uses messages to notify controls of Delphi-specific events or to broadcast Windows messages to child controls.

Overall, the site is a valuable resource for software developers, especially those interested in low-level programming, hex editing, and Delphi development. It provides access to useful freeware tools and technical articles, and it fosters a community of contributors through its call for translations and plugin development for HxD.”

the reasons behind this review :
The website is the personal site of Maël Hörz, a software developer known for creating the HxD hex editor. The site hosts freeware programs, articles related to Delphi programming, and Delphi components. The main program featured on the site is HxD, a fast and free hex editor that can open files of any size (up to 8EB) and provides raw read/write access to disks and main memory (RAM). It's designed to be as easy to use as a text editor. The site also provides news and updates related to HxD and other projects. For example, it announces the release of HxD 2.5, along with its features and bug fixes. It also mentions a disassembler plugin for various CPUs, which was published on GitHub by another developer. The site has a section dedicated to translations of HxD. It lists the languages for which translations are needed and invites volunteers to help with the translations. The articles section of the site contains technical content related to Delphi programming. For example, there's an article on making the Sound Blaster AWE64 work with non-Intel CPUs, such as those from Cyrix and AMD. This involves patching the setup to enable the AWE64 to work with any CPU. Another article provides a reference for Delphi messages, specifically the CN_x and CM_x messages. It explains how Delphi uses messages to notify controls of Delphi-specific events or to broadcast Windows messages to child controls. Overall, the site is a valuable resource for software developers, especially those interested in low-level programming, hex editing, and Delphi development. It provides access to useful freeware tools and technical articles, and it fosters a community of contributors through its call for translations and plugin development for HxD.
Positive PointsNegative Points

  Website content is accessible

  No spelling or grammatical errors in site content

  High review rate by AI

  Archive Age is quite old

  Domain ranks within the top 1M on the Tranco list

  Whois data is hidden

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