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Why is the trust score of very high?

The website appears to be a legitimate online store specializing in vinyl records. The site provides information about the store, its history, and the types of products it offers. It also includes a search function and a list of available vinyl records for purchase. The site allows users to browse and buy vinyl records, and it provides details about the condition of the records and their prices. The site also includes information about payment methods and shipping. Overall, the website seems to be a genuine online store for vinyl record enthusiasts.”

the reasons behind this review :
The website provides detailed information about the products it offers, including condition and pricing. It includes a search function for easy navigation. The site has a professional design and layout, which is typical of legitimate e-commerce platforms. It provides information about the store's history and the number of records it has sold, adding to its credibility. The site includes contact information and a message form for customer inquiries. It offers multiple payment methods, including PayPal and bank transfer. The site has a clear privacy policy and terms and conditions, which are important for online transactions. The website uses an SSL certificate, which helps secure online transactions and protect sensitive information. The site has a physical address and phone number, which adds to its legitimacy. The website has a detailed "Imprint" section, which is a legal requirement for businesses in Germany and adds to its credibility. The site has a "Right of Withdrawal" section, which is important for consumer rights in online purchases. The website has a "Data Privacy" section, which is important for transparency and compliance with data protection regulations. The site provides information about the shipping process and costs, which is important for online shoppers. The website has a "Glossary" section, which can be helpful for customers who are new to vinyl records and related terminology. The site includes a "Vinyl News" section, which suggests that the store is actively engaged in the vinyl community and industry. The website has a "Vinyl Care" section, which provides information on how to maintain and care for vinyl records, demonstrating expertise in the field. The site has a "Sell Vinyl Records" section, which indicates that the store is involved in both buying and selling vinyl records, adding to its credibility. The website has a large inventory of over 100,000 records, which is impressive and suggests a well-established business.
Positive PointsNegative Points

  Website content is accessible

  No spelling or grammatical errors in site content

  High review rate by AI

  Archive Age is quite old

  Whois data is hidden

How much trust do people have in


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