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Why is the trust score of very high?

Based on the provided information, the website appears to be a legitimate service that provides information about legal entities and individual entrepreneurs worldwide. It seems to focus on providing business-related data, such as company details, locations, and possibly financial information. The website’s content suggests that it may be particularly relevant for individuals or businesses looking to gather information about companies in Kazakhstan. The use of terms like “unique service” and the mention of providing information about legal entities and individual entrepreneurs aligns with the idea of a business information service. The specific examples of companies and their details, such as TEKHNONIKOL-KAZAKHSTAN, TOО and odd solution, TOО, further support the notion that the website is focused on providing business-related data. The inclusion of BIN (Business Identification Number) for these companies is also consistent with the type of information one might expect from a business data service. The website’s mention of obtaining an “extended report” on a company and providing contact details for further inquiries suggests that it offers more in-depth information and potentially additional services beyond basic company listings. The repeated emphasis on “about the project” and the mention of “we” in the content indicates that the website is presenting itself as a specific project or service, likely with a dedicated team or organization behind it. The use of specific locations within Kazakhstan, such as Almaty, Astana, and Shymkent, further reinforces the focus on providing detailed business information within the country. The inclusion of contact details and the option to request an extended report on a company suggests that the website aims to facilitate communication and potentially offer more comprehensive services to users. Overall, based on the content provided, the website appears to be a legitimate platform for accessing business-related information, particularly focused on companies in Kazakhstan. However, as with any online service, it’s important for users to exercise caution and verify the credibility of the information provided, especially if they are considering any business decisions based on the data obtained from the site.”

the reasons behind this review :
The website appears to be a legitimate service that provides information about legal entities and individual entrepreneurs worldwide. It seems to focus on providing business-related data, such as company details, locations, and possibly financial information. The website's content suggests that it may be particularly relevant for individuals or businesses looking to gather information about companies in Kazakhstan. The use of terms like "unique service" and the mention of providing information about legal entities and individual entrepreneurs aligns with the idea of a business information service. The specific examples of companies and their details, such as TEKHNONIKOL-KAZAKHSTAN, TOО and odd solution, TOО, further support the notion that the website is focused on providing business-related data. The inclusion of BIN (Business Identification Number) for these companies is also consistent with the type of information one might expect from a business data service. The website's mention of obtaining an "extended report" on a company and providing contact details for further inquiries suggests that it offers more in-depth information and potentially additional services beyond basic company listings. The repeated emphasis on "about the project" and the mention of "we" in the content indicates that the website is presenting itself as a specific project or service, likely with a dedicated team or organization behind it. The use of specific locations within Kazakhstan, such as Almaty, Astana, and Shymkent, further reinforces the focus on providing detailed business information within the country. The inclusion of contact details and the option to request an extended report on a company suggests that the website aims to facilitate communication and potentially offer more comprehensive services to users. Overall, based on the content provided, the website appears to be a legitimate platform for accessing business-related information, particularly focused on companies in Kazakhstan. However, as with any online service, it's important for users to exercise caution and verify the credibility of the information provided, especially if they are considering any business decisions based on the data obtained from the site.
Positive PointsNegative Points

  Website content is accessible

  No spelling or grammatical errors in site content

  High review rate by AI

  Domain Age is quite old

  Archive is new

  Whois data is hidden

How much trust do people have in


Total 0 reviews

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