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Why is the trust score of very high? redirected to https// during the time we crawled it. 3DMark is a popular benchmarking tool used to assess the performance of computer hardware, particularly graphics processing units (GPUs) and central processing units (CPUs). It’s developed by UL (formerly known as Futuremark), a company specializing in benchmarking software and services. The website,, serves as a platform for users to download the 3DMark software, share and compare benchmark scores, and access related resources.

Key Features and Offerings:

Benchmarking Software: 3DMark is primarily known for its benchmarking capabilities, especially in the realm of gaming and graphics performance. It provides various tests and benchmarks to evaluate the capabilities of different hardware configurations.
Score Comparison: Users can upload their benchmark scores to the 3DMark website and compare them with scores from other users. This allows for performance comparisons across different systems and hardware setups.
Overclocking Hall of Fame: The website features an “Overclocking Hall of Fame” where users with exceptional benchmark scores are recognized. This can serve as a source of inspiration and competition for overclocking enthusiasts.
Product Information and Downloads: The site provides information about the 3DMark software, including its different versions and features. Users can also download the software directly from the website.
Hardware Rankings: 3DMark offers rankings for popular hardware components, such as graphics cards and processors, based on their performance in the benchmark tests. This can be helpful for users researching hardware for gaming or other demanding tasks.
Support and Resources: The website includes support resources, FAQs, and guides to help users understand and make the most of the 3DMark software.
Pricing and Availability: While some versions of 3DMark are available for free, there are also paid versions with additional features and tests. The website provides information on pricing and where to obtain the software.
Community and Social Features: Users can engage with the 3DMark community, share their experiences, and participate in discussions related to benchmarking and hardware performance.
Overall, is a legitimate and reputable website, particularly for individuals interested in assessing and comparing the performance of their computer hardware, especially for gaming and other graphics-intensive applications. It’s important to note that while the website itself is safe, users should always exercise caution when downloading any software and ensure that they are obtaining it from the official and verified sources.”

the reasons behind this review :
Reputable developer: 3DMark is developed by UL, a well-established company in the field of benchmarking and performance testing. UL has a strong reputation for producing reliable and accurate benchmarking software. Longevity: The 3DMark brand and software have been around for many years, and it has consistently been a popular choice for users looking to assess the performance of their hardware. Official Website: is the official website for 3DMark, and it provides a platform for users to access information about the software, download it, and engage with the community. Benchmark Score Sharing: The ability to share and compare benchmark scores on the website is a legitimate and common feature of benchmarking tools. It allows users to see how their hardware performs relative to others. Overclocking Hall of Fame: The presence of an "Overclocking Hall of Fame" is a standard feature of 3DMark and serves as a way to recognize exceptional performance achieved by users. Hardware Rankings: Providing rankings for popular hardware components based on their performance in benchmark tests is a useful resource for users researching hardware. Community and Support: The website offers community engagement and support resources, which are important for users to connect, share experiences, and seek assistance if needed. Pricing Information: Clear and transparent information about the pricing and availability of different versions of 3DMark is provided, allowing users to make informed decisions. SSL Certificate: The website has a valid SSL certificate, which is essential for securing online transactions and protecting user data. No Reports of Malicious Activity: There are no widespread reports or indications of malicious activity or security concerns associated with
Positive PointsNegative Points

  Website content is accessible

  No spelling or grammatical errors in site content

  High review rate by AI

  Domain Age is quite old

  Archive Age is quite old

  Domain ranks within the top 1M on the Tranco list

  Whois data is hidden

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