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Why is the trust score of high?

The website appears to be a legitimate platform for chess enthusiasts. It is associated with Magnus Carlsen, a renowned chess grandmaster, and aims to provide an engaging and accessible experience for fans of the game. The site offers a mobile app for following chess events, news, and players, and it emphasizes a user-friendly and interactive approach to chess coverage. The platform’s vision is to elevate chess to the level of other major global sports, making it more engaging and enjoyable for a wider audience. The site also provides information about the company’s history, its team, and its global ambitions. It highlights the accessibility of chess as a universal game and aims to cater to a broad demographic, including those with a basic understanding of the game. The platform’s features include the ability to follow favorite players, receive notifications for their games, and access detailed player profiles. It also offers interactive tournament calendars, game commentary, and other engaging content. The site encourages collaboration and engagement, with opportunities for users to share their resumes and express interest in potential future roles within the company. Overall, the content and purpose of the website align with the legitimate promotion of chess as a sport and the development of a user-friendly platform for chess enthusiasts.”

the reasons behind this review :
Associated with a renowned chess grandmaster, Magnus Carlsen. Offers a mobile app for following chess events, news, and players. Emphasizes a user-friendly and interactive approach to chess coverage. Aims to elevate chess to the level of other major global sports. Provides information about the company's history, team, and global ambitions. Highlights the accessibility of chess as a universal game and aims to cater to a broad demographic. Features include the ability to follow favorite players, receive notifications for their games, and access detailed player profiles. Offers interactive tournament calendars, game commentary, and other engaging content. Encourages collaboration and engagement, with opportunities for users to express interest in potential future roles within the company.
Positive PointsNegative Points

  Website content is accessible

  No spelling or grammatical errors in site content

  High review rate by AI

  Domain Age is quite old

  Archive Age is quite old

  Whois data is hidden

  Domain does not rank within the top 1M on the Tranco list.

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Total 0 reviews

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