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Why is the trust score of high?

The website appears to be a part of Jibit Corporation’s infrastructure, specifically related to their Proxy Payment Gateway (PPG). The PPG is a system that allows users of 3rd-party clients, such as merchants, banks, and organizations, to facilitate payments. It’s a common practice for companies in the financial and e-commerce sectors to provide such gateways to enable secure and efficient transactions.

The use of Swagger UI for API documentation is also a standard industry practice. Swagger is a popular framework for documenting and interacting with APIs, and its presence on the site suggests a commitment to transparency and developer-friendly practices.

The SSL certificate from Unizeto Technologies S.A. and the issuer Certum Domain Validation CA SHA2 are both reputable and commonly used for securing websites. This further indicates a commitment to security and trustworthiness.

The server location in Shiraz, Fars, IR (Iran) is consistent with the company’s known operations, as Jibit Corporation is based in Iran.

Overall, based on the information available, the website seems to be a legitimate part of Jibit Corporation’s infrastructure, specifically related to their Proxy Payment Gateway. The use of standard industry practices, such as Swagger for API documentation, and the presence of a reputable SSL certificate, are positive indicators of reliability and security.”

the reasons behind this review :
The website appears to be a part of Jibit Corporation's infrastructure, specifically related to their Proxy Payment Gateway (PPG). The PPG is a system that allows users of 3rd-party clients, such as merchants, banks, and organizations, to facilitate payments. It's a common practice for companies in the financial and e-commerce sectors to provide such gateways to enable secure and efficient transactions.

The use of Swagger UI for API documentation is also a standard industry practice. Swagger is a popular framework for documenting and interacting with APIs, and its presence on the site suggests a commitment to transparency and developer-friendly practices.

The SSL certificate from Unizeto Technologies S.A. and the issuer Certum Domain Validation CA SHA2 are both reputable and commonly used for securing websites. This further indicates a commitment to security and trustworthiness.

The server location in Shiraz, Fars, IR (Iran) is consistent with the company's known operations, as Jibit Corporation is based in Iran.

Overall, based on the information available, the website seems to be a legitimate part of Jibit Corporation's infrastructure, specifically related to their Proxy Payment Gateway. The use of standard industry practices, such as Swagger for API documentation, and the presence of a reputable SSL certificate, are positive indicators of reliability and security.
Positive PointsNegative Points

  Website content is accessible

  No spelling or grammatical errors in site content

  High review rate by AI

  Whois data is hidden

How much trust do people have in


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