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Why is the trust score of very high? redirected to https// during the time we crawled it. is an Italian fact-checking portal that has been combating misinformation, hoaxes, and alarmism on the internet for years. The website provides a platform for debunking various types of false information, including fake news, urban legends, and conspiracy theories. It aims to promote critical thinking and media literacy among its audience, encouraging them to verify the accuracy of information before believing or sharing it.

The website’s content is diverse and covers a wide range of topics, including:

Debunking Specific Claims: addresses specific claims or stories that have gained traction on the internet and examines their veracity. This can include fact-checking political statements, viral social media posts, or sensational news stories.

Educational Articles: The website provides educational content on how to spot misinformation, understand the psychology of fake news, and develop critical thinking skills. These resources are designed to help readers become more discerning consumers of information.

Exposing Hoaxes: exposes various hoaxes and urban legends, often delving into the origins of these false stories and explaining why they are not based on factual evidence.

Conspiracy Theories: The website may address conspiracy theories that have gained attention online, offering a factual analysis of the claims and providing evidence-based rebuttals.

Fact-Checking Tools: may provide readers with tools and techniques for fact-checking information on their own, empowering them to verify the accuracy of news and claims they encounter.

The website’s approach is rooted in evidence-based analysis and a commitment to promoting accurate information. It is part of a broader global effort to counter the spread of misinformation and disinformation, particularly in the digital age where false information can quickly reach a wide audience.’s work aligns with the principles of media literacy and responsible journalism. By providing a platform for fact-checking and debunking false claims, the website contributes to a more informed and discerning public discourse. It also serves as a resource for individuals who want to verify the accuracy of information they encounter online, helping to prevent the further spread of misinformation.”

the reasons behind this review :
Italian fact-checking portal, Combats misinformation, hoaxes, and alarmism, Debunks fake news, urban legends, and conspiracy theories, Promotes critical thinking and media literacy, Diverse content covering various topics, Addresses specific claims and stories, Provides educational articles on spotting misinformation, Exposes hoaxes and urban legends, Addresses conspiracy theories with factual analysis, Offers fact-checking tools and techniques, Evidence-based analysis and commitment to accurate information, Part of a global effort to counter misinformation, Aligned with principles of media literacy and responsible journalism, Contributes to informed and discerning public discourse, Resource for verifying information online, Helps prevent the spread of misinformation
Positive PointsNegative Points

  Website content is accessible

  No spelling or grammatical errors in site content

  High review rate by AI

  Domain Age is quite old

  Domain ranks within the top 1M on the Tranco list

  Whois data is hidden

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