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Clipdiary is a software application that functions as a clipboard manager for Windows. It is designed to enhance the functionality of the standard Windows clipboard by providing a history of copied items and allowing users to easily retrieve and manage this clipboard history. The software is developed and maintained by Softvoile, a software development company.

Key Features:

Clipboard History: Clipdiary automatically saves everything that is copied to the Windows clipboard, creating a history of copied text, images, and other data.
Search and Retrieval: Users can search through the clipboard history to find and retrieve previously copied items, even after a long time has passed.
Data Organization: The software allows for the organization of clipboard items with features such as labels and starred clips, making it easier to manage and find specific items.
Security: Clipdiary stores clipboard data locally on the user’s computer, and it offers encryption support (AES-256) for added security.
Snippets: Users can create and store frequently used text snippets, which can be quickly inserted into documents or forms.
Backup and Export: The application provides options for backing up and exporting clipboard history, ensuring that important data is not lost.
Customization: Users can configure various settings, such as the number of items to keep in the clipboard history and the types of data to store.
Clipboard Formats: Clipdiary supports various clipboard formats, including plain text, rich text (RTF), images, HTML, and files.
Portable Version: A portable version of the software is available, allowing users to run Clipdiary from a USB drive without installation.

Clipdiary is designed to address common limitations of the standard Windows clipboard, such as the inability to retain copied items after a system restart or the overwriting of clipboard contents with new data. By providing a comprehensive clipboard management solution, it aims to improve user productivity and workflow efficiency.

The software is particularly useful for individuals who frequently work with text and images, such as writers, researchers, programmers, and office professionals. It can help streamline repetitive tasks, reduce the need for re-typing or re-copying information, and ensure that valuable data is readily accessible when needed.

Clipdiary’s ability to securely store clipboard data and its support for encryption also make it suitable for users who prioritize data privacy and security. By keeping clipboard contents local and offering encryption options, the software helps protect sensitive information from unauthorized access.

Overall, Clipdiary is a practical tool for managing clipboard history and improving the efficiency of working with copied and pasted content on Windows systems. Its features cater to a wide range of users who can benefit from a more robust and organized clipboard management solution.”

the reasons behind this review :
Clipboard History, Search and Retrieval, Data Organization, Security, Snippets, Backup and Export, Customization, Clipboard Formats, Portable Version
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