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Why is the trust score of very high?

WizTree is a legitimate and widely used disk space analyzer for Windows. It is designed to help users quickly identify large files and folders on their hard drives, allowing them to free up disk space. The software is known for its speed and efficiency in scanning and presenting disk usage information. WizTree’s official website,, provides information about the software, its features, and how to download and use it. The site also offers a way to support the development of WizTree through donations or purchasing a “supporter code.” The website’s content is consistent with the purpose of the software and does not display any obvious signs of being a scam or fraudulent. Additionally, the domain age and SSL certificate information suggest that the website is well-established and takes security seriously. It’s important to note that while the website and software appear to be legitimate, users should always exercise caution when downloading and installing any software from the internet. It’s advisable to verify the authenticity of the website and the software’s publisher, as well as to use reputable sources for downloads. Overall, based on the provided information, the WizTree website seems to be safe and trustworthy for users interested in disk space analysis and management on Windows systems.”

the reasons behind this review :
Legitimate and widely used disk space analyzer for Windows, Designed to help users quickly identify large files and folders on their hard drives, Known for its speed and efficiency in scanning and presenting disk usage information, Official website provides information about the software, its features, and how to download and use it, Offers a way to support the development of WizTree through donations or purchasing a "supporter code," Website's content is consistent with the purpose of the software and does not display any obvious signs of being a scam or fraudulent, Domain age and SSL certificate information suggest that the website is well-established and takes security seriously, Users should always exercise caution when downloading and installing any software from the internet, It's advisable to verify the authenticity of the website and the software's publisher, as well as to use reputable sources for downloads, Overall, based on the provided information, the WizTree website seems to be safe and trustworthy for users interested in disk space analysis and management on Windows systems
Positive PointsNegative Points

  Website content is accessible

  No spelling or grammatical errors in site content

  High review rate by AI

  Domain Age is quite old

  Archive Age is quite old

  Whois data is accessible

  Domain ranks within the top 1M on the Tranco list

  High gap ratio (1.63) for older domain

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